Page 52 - Application Notebook - Solution for Food Safety
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            Application                  Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry

            News                         Multi-Residue Analysis of 18 Regulated Mycotoxins

                                         by LC/MS/MS
            No.C138                      D. Baker  , C. Titman  , J. Horner  , N. Loftus  :
                                          Shimadzu UK,   Scientific Analysis Laboratories
            Mycotoxins are one of the most important contaminants   Due to the wide range of physicaland chemical
            in food and feed due to their widespread distribution in   properties of mycotoxins, different LC/MS/MS methods
            the environment and toxic effects on humans and    are typically developed for small groups of compounds
            animals.  Structurally, mycotoxins are a very diverse   with similar properties.
            group with a wide range of physicochemical properties
            and low molecular weights.  They are produced by fungi   In this application paper a single LC/MS/MS method has
            (mould) frequently found on agricultural produce, and   been developed for the determination of 18 mycotoxins
            are often not visible to the naked eye.  Some of the   in food safety. Limits of quantification were at or below
            most commonly contaminated food stuffs include     the maximum levels set in the EC/1886/2006 document.
            wheat, oats, rye, corn, barley, rice, nuts and milk.    The scope of the method included Aflatoxins (B1, B2,
                                                               G1, G2), Fumonisins (B1, B2, B3), Ochratoxin A (OTA)
            Due to the risks posed by mycotoxins in food they are   and Trichothecenes (3-acetyldeoxynivalenol (3AcDON),
            regulated globally, including, the EU, US, China,   15-acetyldeoxynivalenol (15AcDON), Deoxynivalenol
            Singapore and Brazil.  In the EU, reporting limits are   (DON), Diaceteoxyscripanol (DAS), Fusarenon-X (FUS X),
            harmonised in Regulation (EC) No 1886/2006 (amended   HT-2, Neosolaninol (NEO), Nivalenol (NIV), T2,
            by (EC) No 1126/2007) and sampling and analysis in   Zearalenone (ZON)) with an analysis cycle time of
            Regulation (EC) No 401/2006.                       12.5 minutes.
            LC/MS/MS is the technique most commonly employed                Table 1  Analytical Conditions
            for mycotoxin quantitation in order to achieve the   UHPLC        : Nexera LC System
            necessary low reporting limits in complex food and feed   Mobile Phase   : A; Water with additives
            matrices.                                                           B; Methanol with additives
                                                                Column        : Reversed phase column (100 mm L.× 2.1 mm I.D.)
            Q Experimental                                      Column Temperature  : 40 ˚C
                                                                Flowrate      : 0.4 mL/minute
            Solvent extracts were provided by Scientific Analysis   Gradient     B. Conc 15 % (0 min) ˠ 25 % (1 min)
            Laboratories (SAL, UK) following validated extraction              ˠ 40 % (2 min) ˠ 41 % (4.5 min)
            protocols. Samples were analysed using the Nexera                  ˠ 100 % (7.5 - 10.0 min) ˠ 15 % (10.10 min)
                                                                                Stop (12.5 min)
            UHPLC and the LCMS-8060 triple quadrupole detector      LC-MS/MS     :    ˠ  LCMS-8060
            (Table 1) . Calibration was performed using  C internal   Dwell Time   : 10 to 40 msec.
            standards spiked during sample extraction. All MRM   Pause Time   : 1 msec.
            transitions and associated internal standards for each   Ionisation Mode   : ESI +/-
            compound are listed in Table 2. All solvents used during   Polarity Switching   : 5 msec.
            analysis were LCMS quality from Sigma-Aldrich.
                                                     NEO                                                ZON
              1.1                                                                                     OTA
                                            DON    FUS-X                                 DAS
              0.9                                                                                 T2
              0.6                                                                          AFB2  AFB1  FB2
              0.4                                                                         AFG1   FB3
              0.3                                                    3-AcDON           AFG2   FB1
              0.2                                                                              HT-2
                0.0  0.5   1.0   1.5  2.0   2.5   3.0  3.5   4.0   4.5  5.0   5.5   6.0  6.5   7.0   7.5  min
                                            Fig. 1  MRM Chromatograms of 18 Mycotoxins
            AFB1 (aflatoxin B1; 1 μg/kg), AFB2 (aflatoxin B2; 1 μg/kg), AFG1 (aflatoxin G1; 1 μg/kg), AFG2 (aflatoxin G2; 1 μg/kg), OTA (ochratoxin A; 4 μg/kg),
            FB1 (fumonisin B1; 100 μg/kg), FB2 (fumonisin B2; 100 μg/kg), FB3 (fumonisin B3; 100 μg/kg), 15-AcDON (15-acetyldeoxynivalenol; 100 μg/kg),
            3-AcDON (3-acetyldeoxynivalenol; 100 μg/kg), DON (deoxynivalenol; 100 μg/kg), DAS (diaceteoxyscripanol; 100 μg/kg),
            FUS-X (fusarenon-X; 100 μg/kg), HT-2 (100 μg/kg), T-2 (100 μg/kg), NEO (neosolaninol; 100 μg/kg), NIV (nivalenol; 100 μg/kg),
            ZON (zearalenone; 100 μg/kg).
            For clarity only 2 MRM transitions are displayed per compound and the following MRM chromatograms were changed; neosolaniol (x0.3), T2 (x0.3),
            aflatoxins (x3), fumonisins (x2).
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