Page 54 - Application Notebook - Solution for Food Safety
P. 54


            Application                  High Performance Liquid Chromatography

            News                         Assay of Aflatoxin M1 in Milk Based on

                                         Notification Test Methodology, Using Prominence-i
            No.L506                      and the RF-20AXS Fluorescence Detector

            Aflatoxin M1 (AFM1) is a mycotoxin suspected of
            carcinogenicity in humans that is detected in the milk of   2750 uV
            mammals that eat food contaminated with aflatoxin B1.
            The notification "Handling of Aflatoxin M1 in Milk"   2500
            issued on July 23, 2015 (Notification No. 0723-[1] of   2250                               1st
            the Department of Food Safety, PFSB, MHLW)   sets a   2000
            regulatory level for AFM1 in milk of 0.5 µg/kg, and
            came into force on January 23, 2016.                1750                                   2nd
            The assay methodology for AFM1 in milk was included   1500
            in "Test Methodology for Aflatoxin M1 in Milk"                                             3rd
            (Notification No. 0723-[5] of the Department of Food   1250
            Safety, PFSB, MHLW)  , which was announced on the   1000
            same day and describes two test methodologies.       750                                   4th
            (1) Test method consisting of quantitation by HPLC with
               attached fluorescence detector and confirmation by   500                                5th
               LC/MS or LC/MS/MS.                                250
            (2) Screening method using an assay kit.
               We describe an analysis of commercially available   0                                   6th
               milk that is compliant with test method (1). We
               analyzed for AFM 1 in bovine milk using the         0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 min
               Prominence-i integrated HPLC and the RF-20AXS   Fig. 1  Chromatograms for Standard AFM1 Solution Equivalent
               fluorescence detector. Under these conditions we     to 1/100th the Regulatory Concentration (0.1 μg/L, Test
               were able to measure AFM1 at a concentration of      Repeated 6 Times)
               1/10th Japan's regulatory level for AFM1 in milk.

            n Analysis of Standard Aflatoxin M1 Solutions
            Chromatograms obtained after analysis of
            standard AFM1 solutions (0.1 µg/L, equivalent to
            1/100th the regulatory concentration) are shown
            in Fig. 1, and the analytical conditions used are
            shown in Table 1. The relative standard deviation
            (%RSD) of peak areas after repeating analysis six
            times was 3.4 %. Fig. 2 shows the calibration
            curve for 0.1 to 20  µg/L. Good linearity was
            achieved with a contribution ratio R  of ≥ 0.9999
            within the concentration range. These results
            show the RF-20AXS fluorescence detector can be
            used to analyze trace quantities of AFM 1 with
            high sensitivity and high precision.                                        R ≥ 0.99999
            When the standard AFM1 solution of 0.1 µg/L is
            p r o c es s e d  a c c o r d i n g  t o  t he  p r e t r e a t m e n t
            procedure shown in Fig. 3, which follows the
            notification methodology, it produces a sample
            equivalent to 1/100th the regulatory level for
            AFM1 in milk (0.005 µg/kg).                                Fig. 2  AFM1 Calibration Curve (0.1-20 μg/L)

                       Table 1  HPLC Analytical Conditions
             System     :Prominence-i
             Column     :Shim-pack VP-ODS (150 mm L. × 4.6 mm I.D., 5 µm)
             Mobile Phase   :Water/Acetonitrile = 3/1(v/v)
             Flowrate   :1.0 mL/min
             Column Temp.   :40 ˚C
             Detection  :RF-20AXS, Ex. at 365 nm, Em. at 435 nm
             RF Cell.   :Conventional Cell
             Cell Temp.   :25 ˚C
             Injection Volume  :100 µL
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