Page 50 - Application Notebook - Solution for Food Safety
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            Application                  Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry

            News                         Analysis of Nivalenol, Deoxynivalenol, 3-Acetyldeoxynivalenol

                                         and 15-Acetyldeoxynivalenol Using Triple Quadrupole
            No.C103                      LC/MS/MS (LCMS-8050)

            Nivalenol and deoxynivalenol are mycotoxins which are   0717001 issued by the Dept. of Food Safety, Pharmaceutical
            produced by the fusarium fungi. A provisional reference   and Food Safety Bureau, Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour
            value of 1.1 ppm was established in Japan for deoxynivalenol   and Welfare on July 17, 2003).
            (Notification No. 0521001 issued by the Pharmaceutical and   This paper describes an LC-MS/MS method for high-
            Food Safety Bureau, Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and   sensitivity simultaneous analysis of the four compounds,
            Welfare on May 21, 2002). The test methods specified for   nivalenol, deoxynivalenol and the deoxynivalenol
            deoxynivalenol are HPLC for both qualitative and quantitative   metabolytes, 3-acetyl-deoxynivalenol and 15-acetyl-
            analysis, and LC/MS for verification testing (Notification No.   deoxynivalenol.

            n Analysis of a Standard Mixture
            Fig. 1 shows the chromatograms obtained using a 2 µL
            injection of the four-component standard mixture (each        Peaks                      4
            10 ppb), and Table 1 shows repeatability of retention time   1 : Nivalenol
            and peak areas for the four substances, respectively, using six   2 : Deoxynivalenol
            repeat measurements.                                        3 : 15-Acetyldeoxynivalenol
            Nivalenols are detected using the heated electrospray       4 : 3-Acetyldeoxynivalenol

            ionization (hESI) method in negative mode. Although water
            and acetonitrile alone can be used as the LC eluent for LC/
            MS analysis, higher sensitivity was obtained for each                                   3
            compound by adding low-concentration ammonium acetate
            (in this case, 0.5 mmol/L) to eluent A. Fig. 1 shows the mass
            chromatograms for the highest sensitivity MRM transitions
            for each compound. The analytical conditions are shown in
            Table 2.                                                          1     2
            Next, six repeat analyses of a 10 ppb standard solution were
            conducted, corresponding to approximately 1/100 the
            concentration of the provisional reference value. The relative
            standard deviations (%RSD) for the measured retention times
            and peak areas are shown in Table 1. Good repeatability was
            obtained for both retention time and peak area.
                                                                      371.05 > 281.20
                                                                                  355.10 > 59.00  397.10 > 59.00
                       Table 1  Repeatability (10 ppb, n=6)
                                  R.T. %RSD    Area %RSD
              Nivalenol             0.04          2.57
              Deoxynivalenol        0.04          6.52
              15-Acetyldeoxynivalenol  0.06       4.09          Fig. 1  MRM Chromatograms of a Standard Mixture (10 ppb each)
              3-Acetyldeoxynivalenol  0.05        2.58

            n Linearity of Calibration Curves
            Fig. 2 shows the calibration curves generated using the   was obtained for calibration curves using a
            analytical conditions of Table 2. Excellent linearity with   concentration range from 1 to 250 ppb for each
            a coefficient of determination greater than R  = 0.999   component.
                           Area (×100,000)   Area (×100,000)  Area (×100,000)   Area (×100,000)
                           a)                b)             4.0  c)             d)
                                                            3.0               5.0
                         1.5               1.5
                         1.0               1.0
                         0.5               0.5              1.0
                         0.0               0.0              0.0               0.0
                           0   100   200     0    100  200    0    100   200    0    100  200
                                Concentration (ppb)  Concentration (ppb)  Concentration (ppb)  Concentration (ppb)
                 Fig. 2  Linearity of Calibration Curves: a) Nivalenol  b) Deoxynivalenol   c)15-Acetyldeoxynivalenol  d) 3-Acetyldeoxynivalenol
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