Page 46 - Application Notebook - Solution for Food Safety
P. 46


            Application                  Liquid Chromatograph Mass Spectrometry

                                         Multi-Residue Veterinary Drug Analysis of >200
                                         Compounds using MRM Spectrum Mode by LC-MS/MS
            No. C161

            Veterinary  drugs  are  used   for  therapeutic,            Table 2  MS/MS Acquisition Parameters
            metaphylactic, prophylactic and growth promotion    Mass spectrometry
            purposes. To provide an assurance that food from    Mass spectrometer   Shimadzu LCMS-8060
            animals is safe with regards to residues of veterinary   Pause time/dwell time  1 msec/3 msec
            medicines, regulatory  authorities have established
                                                                Polarity switching time  Pos/neg switching time set to 5 msec
            Maximum Residue Limits (MRL's) for certain drugs in   Scope             218 drugs in positive ion mode
            target  tissues  and   animal   species.  Some
                                                                                    (including internal standards)
            pharmacologically active compounds identified by                        11 drugs in negative ion mode
            regulatory authorities have been prohibited and their                   Structure Analytics (in house
            hazardousness at all levels  are being considered (EU                   development tool)
            regulation  EC  37/2010;  Commission   Decision     Source temperatures   350 °C; 300 °C; 150 °C
            2003/181/EC; 21CFR Part 556 Tolerances for Residues   (interface; heat block; DL)
            of New Animal Drugs in Food). In this  article,  we   Gas flows         3 L/min; 10 L/min; 10 L/min
            describe how a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer,   (nebulising; heating; drying)
            which is both highly  sensitive and selective,
            contributes to reducing false positive and false   „  Advantages of MRM Spectrum Mode
            negative reporting when using a measurement mode   The measurement method can be easily set using the
            called MRM Spectrum mode. MRM Spectrum mode        MRM optimization tool and measurement window
            acquires a high number of fragment ion transitions for   (MRM Synchronization) settings of LabSolutions LCMS.
            each target compound and generates fragmentation   The method achieves high data densities and a high
            spectra that can be used in routine library searching   data sampling rate across each  elution peak. This
            and compound verification using reference library   approach generates a consistent loop time and
            match scores.
                                                               sampling rate producing reliable quantitation and

               David Baker * , Laetitia Fages * , Eric Capodanno * , Neil Loftus *   1  peak integration. It also  provides great operator-
                                    *  : Shimadzu, Manchester, UK   friendliness in routine simultaneous analysis of
                                    *  : Phytocontrol, Nimes, France   veterinary drugs by enhancing flexibility in qualifier
                                                               and quantifier ion selection. The number of fragment
            „  Samples and Analysis Conditions                 ion transitions generated from a single precursor ion is
                                                               limited only by the chemical structure of the veterinary
            Samples of beef, egg, honey, milk and salmon were   drug.
            extracted and spiked with veterinary drugs in the
            calibration range of 0.001 to 0.1 mg/kg. Repeatability
            was assessed at low and high concentrations. Samples   „  Results
            were measured using Shimadzu's Nexera X2 UHPLC     MRM Spectrum mode was used to acquire a high
            and LCMS-8060 triple quadrupole mass spectrometer   number of fragment ion transitions for each veterinary
            (Table 1 and 2). Over 200 veterinary  drugs were   drug target. For chlortetracycline, 11  precursor-
            targeted and over 2,000 MRM transitions in both ESI +/-   fragment ion transitions were acquired using
            were monitored during a  gradient elution time of   optimized collision energies (Fig. 1). Acquiring a high
            12 minutes.                                        number of fragment ion transitions enables generation

                                                               of fragmentation spectra which can be used in library
                          Table 1  UHPLC Conditions
                                                               searching and compound verification for each
             Liquid chromatography                             veterinary drug. (Chlortetratcycline is a tetracycline
             UHPLC          Nexera LC  system                  class of antimicrobials. According to the Sixth ESVAC
             Analytical column     Restek Biphenyl (100 × 2.1, 2.7 μm)  report published in  2016, of the overall sales of
                                                               antimicrobials in the 29 EU countries in 2014, the
             Column temperature   40 °C
                                                               largest amount, expressed as a proportion of mg/PCU,
             Flow rate      0.4 mL/minute
                                                               was accounted for by tetracyclines (33.4 %). This is
             Solvent A      0.1 % formic acid 0.5 mM ammonium formate
                             solution                          followed by  penicillins (25.5 %) and sulfonamides
             Solvent B       0.1 % formic acid in methanol     (11.0 %).  Chlortetracycline was selected as a
             Binary Gradient   Time (mins)   %B   Time (mins)  %B  representative target).
                             0.00     2    14.60    2
                             12.50    100  17.50    Stop
                             14.50    100
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