Page 43 - Application Notebook - Solution for Food Safety
P. 43

Application  No.C99

            n MRM Analysis of Matrix Standards
            Fig. 3 shows the MRM chromatogram of the matrix    the compounds using only standard solution. Although
            standard solution consisting of the sample solution with   there were several compounds for which the lower limit
            added standard solution (data obtained using pork   of quantitation was different in the standard solution
            extract solution). Table 1 shows the lower limits of   than the matrix-added solution, rather than attributing
            quantitation for the standard solution without added   this to matrix effects, it is thought to be caused by
            matrix and with added matrix, respectively. In a crude   elevated background due to ions derived from
            extract obtained by acetonitrile extraction alone,   contaminating components (Refer to Fig. 5).
            sensitivity was comparable to that obtained for most of


                     Fig. 3  MRM Chromatograms of 89 Veterinary Drugs (10 µg/L pork extract solution with added standard solution)

                            Table 1  LOQs of Veterinary Drugs in Neat Standards and Matrix Standards and Calibration
                                  Range of Veterinary Drugs in Matrix Standards
                                    Std. Solution  Matrix-Added Std. Solution       Std. Solution  Matrix-Added Std. Solution
                                    Min. Conc.  Min. Conc.  Max. Conc.               Min. Conc.  Min. Conc.  Max. Conc.
             Gentamicin                0.5      1       50      Sulfachloropyridazine  0.02     0.02     20
             Sulfanilamide             1        1       50      Sulfadimethoxine       0.02     0.02     10
             Levamisole                0.05     0.05    50      Tylosin                0.05     0.05     50
             Lincomycin                0.01     0.01    10      Sulfamethoxazole       0.02     0.1      10
             5-Propylsulfonyl-1-benzimidazole-2-  0.05  0.05  10  Sulfaethoxypyridazine  0.02   0.02     10
             amine                                              Tiamulin               0.01     0.01     50
             Diaveridine               0.01     0.01    10      Florfenicol            0.5     10        50
             Trimethoprim              0.02     0.02    20      2Acetylamino 5nitrothiazole  0.05  0.05  50
             Marbofloxacin             0.01     0.01    50      Sulfatroxazole         0.01     0.01     5
             Sulfisomidine             0.02     0.02    20      Leucomycin             0.01     0.01     50
             Norfloxacin               0.5      0.5     50      Sulfisoxazole          0.01     0.05     50
             Ormetoprim                0.02     0.02    10      Oxolinic acid          0.01     0.1      50
             Thiabendazole             0.01     0.01    10      Chloramphenicol        0.5      1        50
             Ciprofloxacin             0.05     0.5     10      Clorsulon              0.5      1        50
             Neospiramycin I           0.01     0.05    10      Sulfabenzamide         0.01     0.01     10
             Danofloxacin              0.1      0.1     10      Ethopabate             0.01     0.01     10
             Enrofloxacin              0.05     0.1     50      Sulfadoxine            0.02     0.02     20
             Oxytetracycline           0.01     0.1     50      Sulfaquinoxaline       0.02     0.02     10
             Xylazine                  0.01     0.01    10      Prednisolone           0.1      0.05     20
             Orbifloxacin              0.05     0.05    50      Ofloxacin              0.5      0.5      50
             Sulfacetamide             1        1       50      Flubendazole           0.01     0.01     50
             Clenbuterol               0.01     0.01    10      Methylprednisolone     0.5      0.5      50
             Tetracycline              0.05     0.01    50      Nalidixic acid         0.01     0.01     50
             Spiramycin I              0.01     0.01    50      Dexamethasone          0.5      0.5      50
             Sarafloxacin              0.5      0.5     50      Flumequine             0.01     0.01     50
             Difloxacin                0.05     0.1     50      Benzylpenicillin       0.5      0.5      50
             Sulfadiazine              0.02     0.1     20      Sulfanitran            0.2      0.2      50
             Sulfathiazole             0.02     0.1     20      Sulfabromomethazine    0.01     0.01     50
             Sulfapyridine             0.02     0.1     20      betaTrenbolone         0.02     0.1      50
             Carbadox                  0.05     0.05    10      Emamectin B1a          0.01     0.01     50
             Pyrimethamine             0.02     0.02    20      alphaTrenbolone        0.02     0.1      50
             Sulfamerazine             0.02     0.02    20      Piromidic acid         0.01     0.05     50
             Chlortetracycline         0.1      0.1     50      Zeranol                1        0.1      50
             Tilmicosin                0.1      0.1     50      Ketoprofen             0.01     0.05     50
             Thiamphenicol             1        1       50      Testosterone           0.01     0.05     10
             Sulfadimidine             0.02     0.02    20      Famphur                0.05     0.05     50
             Sulfametoxydiazine        0.01     0.02    10      Fenobucarb (BPMC)      0.01     0.01     50
             Sulfamethoxypyridazine    0.02     0.02    20      Clostebol              0.05     0.05     50
             Sulfisozole               0.01     0.01    50      Dichlofenac            0.01     0.01     50
             Trichlorfon (DEP)         0.05     0.05    50      Melengestrol Acetate   0.05     0.05     50
             Sulfamonomethoxine        0.02     0.02    20      Temephos (Abate)       0.01     0.5      50
             Furazolidone              1        1       50      Allethrin              0.1      1        50
             Difurazone                0.05     0.05    50      Closantel              0.01     0.01     10
             Erythromycin A            0.01     0.01    50      Monensin               0.01     0.01     10
             Cefazolin                 0.5      0.5     50
                                                                                                   (Unit: µg/L)
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