Page 40 - Application Notebook - Solution for Food Safety
P. 40


            Application                  Gas Chromatograph

                                         Analysis of Organophosphorus Pesticides
                                         Using Nexis GC-2030
            No. G294

            Cases have been reported of health problems due to foods   „  Analysis Results
            contaminated  with pesticides, and there  is currently   A mixture standard solution of 54 organophosphorus
            heightened interest in food safety countermeasures. Using   pesticides* (20 mg/L) was introduced via split injection,
            a detector with high selectivity for specific components, or   and the elution positions  of each pesticide were
            a mass spectrometer highly capable of qualitative analysis   confirmed.
            are effective when analyzing trace components in foods
            and other samples in which there are many impurities.

            The FPD-2030 flame photometric detector, which is
            installed in Nexis GC-2030  gas chromatograph, has the
            world's highest level of sensitivity* thanks to the optimized
            nozzle shape and the advanced dual focus system.
            In the analysis of pesticides in foods, this detector provides
            high sensitivity and high stability.
            In this Application News, we introduce  an analysis of
            organophosphorus pesticides using Nexis GC-2030 gas
            chromatograph, which is equipped with the FPD-2030.
                                            *As of February 2017

                                          E. Kobayashi, T. Murata

                                                  Table 1  Analytical Conditions
                Model           : Nexis GC-2030
                Detector        : FPD-2030 (P-mode)
                Column          : SH-Rtx-1701 (0.25 mm I.D. × 30 m, d.f. = 0.25 μm)
                Column Temperature   : 60 °C (2 min) - 25 °C/min - 150 °C (0 min) - 5 °C/min - 200 °C (12 min) - 5 °C/min - 280 °C (7 min)    Total 50.6 min
                Injection Mode   : Split 1 : 20
                Carrier Gas Controller   : Constant Linear Velocity (He)
                Linear Velocity  : 30 cm/sec
                Injection Temperature   : 250 °C
                Detector Temperature   : 275 °C
                Injection Volume   : 1 μL

                        1: Ethoprophos      7: Dimethoate       13: Isofenphos      19: Fensulfothion
                        2: Phorate          8: Tolclofos-methyl   14: PAP (Phenthoate)   20: EPN
                        3: Thiometon        9: Chlorpyrifos     15: Prothiofos      21: PMP (Phosmet)
                        4: Terbufos         10: Formothion      16: DMTP (Mathidathion)   22: Pyraclofos
                        5: Etrimfos         11: MPP (Fenthion)   17: Butamifos
                        6: ECP (Dichlofenthion)   12: MEP (Fenitrothion)   18: Sulprofos

                                          Chromatogram of 20 mg/L Organophosphorus Pesticides
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