Page 44 - Application Notebook - Solution for Food Safety
P. 44

Application  No.C99

                Clenbuterol                                    Sulfamerazine
                                         Area                                            Area
              3000  22:277.10>203.05(+)  1750000             2000 32:265.10>92.10(+)  2500000
              2000  Pork             1500000                 1500  Pork              2000000
              1000  +0.01 ppb                                    +0.01 ppb
                                     1250000                 500
               0                                              0                      1500000
                 2.50  2.75  3.00  3.25  3.50  3.75  1000000     3.25  3.50  3.75  4.00  4.25  4.50
              3000  22:277.10>203.05(+)  750000              2000 32:265.10>92.10(+)  1000000
              2000  Neat STD          500000     0.01-10 ppb  1500  Neat STD         500000      0.01-10 ppb
              1000  0.01 ppb          250000                     0.01 ppb
               0                        0                     0                         0
                 2.50  2.75  3.00  3.25  3.50  3.75  0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.010.0  3.25  3.50  3.75  4.00  4.25  4.50  0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
                                                        Conc.                                            Conc.
               β-trenbolone              Area                  Orbifloxacin              Area
              2000  69:271.20>199.10(+)  3000000                20:396.00>352.20(+)  1750000
              1500                                            750
              1000  Pork             2500000                  500  Pork              1500000
              500  +0.1 ppb                                   250  +0.05 ppb         1250000
               0                     2000000                   0
                 7.25  7.50  7.75  8.00  8.25  8.50              2.50  2.75  3.00  3.25  3.50  3.75  1000000
              2000  69:271.20>199.10(+)                         20:396.00>352.20(+)   750000
              1500                   1000000                  750                     500000
              1000  Neat STD                     0.1-50 ppb   500  Neat STD                      0.05-50 ppb
              500  0.1 ppb            500000                  250  0.05 ppb           250000
               0                        0                      0                        0
                 7.25  7.50  7.75  8.00  8.25  8.50  0.0  10.0  20.0  30.0  40.0  50.0  2.50  2.75  3.00  3.25  3.50  3.75  0.0  10.0  20.0  30.0  40.0  Conc.
                         Fig. 4  MRM Chromatograms in the Vicinity of the LOQ and Calibration Curves of Typical Compounds

            n Recoveries of Veterinary Drugs in Crude Extracts
              from Livestock and Fishery Products
              (Matrix Effect Verification)
            We examined whether or not the matrix affected     which the rates of recovery were determined. The
            measurement of actual samples. This time, four types of   results indicated that 90 % of the compounds were
            food product samples were used, including shrimp,   recovered at rates of 70 to 120 % and measurement
            chicken meat, pork, and salmon. Standard solution was   was accomplished without any adverse matrix effects
            added to the acetonitrile extraction solution of each of   even though the crude extract solution was subjected
            these to obtain a final concentration of 10 µg/L, after   only to acetonitrile extraction.

                                      Shrimp                                      Chicken Meat
                  150                                           150

                (%)  100                                        100
                Recovery  50                                     50

                   0                                              0
                                                Peak elution order

                                       Pork                                         Salmon
                  150                                           150

                  100                                           100

                   50                                            50

                    0                                             0

                                       Fig. 5  Recoveries of Veterinary Drugs in Each of the Matrices
   39   40   41   42   43   44   45   46   47   48   49