Page 47 - Application Notebook - Solution for Food Safety
P. 47

Application   No. C161

                                                                  OH  O  OH  O  O
                                           Compound name Chlortetracycline   OH
                                           Accurate mass 479.1216 [M+H]+         NH 2
                                           Formula C22H23ClN2O8
                                           CAS 57-62-5                          OH
                                                                       H  H
                                                                  Cl H O  CH 3  N
                                                                         H 3 C  CH 3
                                           MRM Spectrum Mode
                                           11 MRM’s acquired for
                                           chlortetracycline at 10pg/uL in egg.
                                           1:479.10>444.00 (+)  CE: -23V   7:479.10>300.80(+)  CE: -45V
                                           2:479.10>461.95 (+)  CE: -35V  8:479.10>287.90(+)  CE: -53V
                                           3:479.10>154.00 (+)  CE: -34V   9:479.10>274.95(+)  CE: -44V
                                           4:479.10>98.05(+)  CE: -45V  10:479.10>370.95(+)  CE: -31V
                                           5:479.10>260.05(+)  CE: -60V  11:479.10>285.85(+)  CE: -56V
                                           6:479.10>303.05(+)  CE: -37V
                                           MRM Spectrum mode
                                           Higher specificity
                                           Higher reporting confidence
                                           Library searchable fragment data.
                                           The number of precursor-fragment ion transitions monitored is limited only by the structural chemistry of the molecule.
                  6.50  6.75  7.00  7.25  7.50  min  Typically more than 10 precursor-fragment ion transitions were monitored for each veterinary drug.

                                            Utilization of MRM Spectrum Mode (Chlortetracycline)

            Fig. 2 shows the MRM reference spectrum for        As the collision energy  was optimized for  each
            chlortetracycline with assigned fragment structures.   fragment ion to generate a product ion spectrum, the
            The MRM Spectrum mode is a measurement mode        library spectrum is highly specific and selective.
            which combines MRM with the generation of a product
            ion spectrum. The product ion spectrum can be used
            for compound identification by searching a library.

                     m/z 154.00               m/z 274.95           m/z 444.00               m/z 461.95
                     [Accurate mass 154.05042]  [Accurate mass 275.04749]  [Accurate mass 444.08501]  [Accurate mass 462.09557]
                     Formula C7H8NO3  (+4H)   Formula C15H12O3Cl (+4H)  Formula C22H19NO7Cl (+2H)  Formula C22H21NO8Cl
                                                   +                                        OH  O  OH  O  O
                              +                  OH 2  O  OH      OH  O  OH  O  O                    OH
                            OH  O                                         OH                              C +
                                                                                C  +
                                OH                                                          Cl H O  CH 3  N
                                                 Cl   CH 3        Cl H O  CH 3  N              444.00  H 3 C  CH 3
                            N                                            H 3 C  CH 3
                         H 3 C  CH 3

                                                                m/z 303.05
                                                                [Accurate mass 303.04241]          461.95
                                                                Formula C16H12O4Cl +(4H)
              m/z 98.05
              [Accurate mass 98.06059]
              Formula C5H8NO (+4H)                                       OH  O  OH
              H 3      +
                     OH     154.00
                                      m/z 260.05                                     +
                 N                    [Accurate mass 260.02402]                    CH 2
              H  C
               3   CH 3               Formula C14H9O3Cl• (+4H)           Cl H O  CH 3
                                           O   OH
                                        C         +
                                                CH 2  260.05
                                                        274.95  303.05
                                               CH 3                           370.95
                                        Cl H O  CH 3      287.90
                 100  120  140  160  180  200  220  240  260  280  300  320  340  360  380  400  420  440  460  m/z

                                  MRM Reference Spectrum with Assigned Fragment Structures (Chlortetracycline)
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