Page 48 - Application Notebook - Solution for Food Safety
P. 48

Application   No. C161

            „  Library Identification using MRM Spectrum Mode

                       Chlortetracycline MRM Spectrum  444.00            OH   O   OH   O   O
                       Similarity Score 98                                           OH
                       Matrix  Salmon                   461.95
                                                                                              NH 2
                          154.00    274.95  285.85
                     98.05                303.05
                                   260.05     370.95
                    0                                                           H    H     OH
                                          303.05 370.95                  Cl H O  CH 3  N
                      98.05        260.05                                          H  C  CH
                          154.00    274.95  285.85                                  3      3
                                                                          Compound name Chlortetracycline
                                                                          Precursor 479.10 [M+H]+
                       Chlortetracycline Library MRM Spectrum  444.00     Formula C22H23ClN2O8
                      100  150  200  250  300  350  400  450  m/z         CAS 57-62-5
              Chlortetracycline       444.00  Chlortetracycline      444.00    Chlortetracycline     444.00
              Similarity Score 99             Similarity Score 98              Similarity Score 99
              Matrix  Beef              461.95  Matrix  Milk            461.95  Matrix  Egg
                    154.00                                  274.95
                          274.95                                                    154.00  274.95
                 98.05   260.05                   98.05  260.05                   98.05  260.05
                              303.05  370.95                  303.05  370.95                  303.05  370.95
             0    100   200   300   400  m/z  0   100   200   300   400  m/z  0   100   200   300   400  m/z

                              Library Searchable MRM Spectra in Different Matrices Spiked at 10 pg/μL (Chlortetracycline)

            Fig. 4 shows the MRM spectra and the n=10          indicated). Also, the %RSD for oxytetracycline,
            measurement results of four compounds for salmon   sulfadimethoxine, ormetoprim, and virginiamycin
            extract spiked with virginiamycin S1 at a concentration   spiked into salmon extract (n=10; 10 pg/uL) acquired
            of 10 pg/μL. The library match score was above 99 in all   using a conventional 2-MRM method  was compared
            injections (MRM spectra of injections 1, 5 and 10 are   with that of the MRM spectrum method.

                       Virginiamycin S1  MRM Spectrum
                           205.05  m/z 205.05                        Compound name Virginiamycin S1
                                                          +          Precursor 824.35 [M+H]+
                                  [Accurate mass 205.06077]  N  NH 2  O  Formula C43H49N7O10
                                  Formula C10H9N2O3 (+4H)
                                                       O             CAS 23152-29-6
                       177.00                          H 3 C                       H 3 C
                     162.10    290.05        481.05                             OH       N  H
                             259.10       453.10   566.15  663.20                   H N      O
                    0                                                            NH    O H 3 C  N
                                                                 H 3 C       N        O      H
                             259.10       453.10   566.15
                     134.00                   481.05      663.20                O
                               290.05                        OH                 H 3 C  O  H  O
                       177.00                                    H N                   N    N
                                         m/z 290.05            NH    O             O
                                         [Accurate mass 290.11353]  N  O
                                         Formula C14H16N3O4 (+4H)  O  CH +              O  H
                                                              H 3 C
                           205.05                                                             O
                       Virginiamycin S1 Library MRM Spectrum
                       150  200  250  300  350  400  450  500  550  600  650  m/z
                       Virginiamycin S1                Virginiamycin S1               Virginiamycin S1
                       Similarity Score 99             Similarity Score 99            Similarity Score 100
                  205.05  Matrix  Salmon         205.05  Matrix  Salmon         205.05  Matrix  Salmon
                       Injection1                      Injection 5                    Injection 10
                                               177.00                         177.00
                                             162.10  290.05                 162.10
               162.10  290.05        566.15                        566.15           290.05         566.15
                                 481.05  663.20                481.05  663.20                  481.05  663.20
                    259.10   453.10                259.10   453.10                259.10   453.10
                    200  300  400  500  600  m/z   200  300  400  500  600 m/z    200  300  400  500  600  m/z

             Compound name          Oxytetracycline   Sulfadimethoxine     Ormetoprim         Virginiamycin
             Number of MRM's    2MRM's   8MRMs     2MRM's    11MRMs   2MRM's    11MRMs    2MRM's    11MRMs
             Mean peak area
             Quantitation ion   1890170  1729171   7809989   7227748  8291171   8160952   2232967   1956045
             %RSD               3.74     3.04      1.49      1.46     1.54      1.18      0.91      1.65

                               MRM Spectra and n=10 Results of Salmon Extract Spiked with Virginiamycin S1 at 10 pg/μL
   43   44   45   46   47   48   49   50   51   52   53