Page 53 - Application Notebook - Solution for Food Safety
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Application  No.C138
                       Table 2  All MRM’s Measured in the Mycotoxin Method and Corresponding Calibration Range and R  Result
                                              Ret. Time                                       Calibration
                   Compound name    Parent ion        MRM 1    MRM 2    MRM 3       ISTD                 R 2
                                               (mins)                                        range μg/kg
              1 Aflatoxin B1        [M+H] +     6.773  313 > 241 313 > 285  313 > 269  13 C Aflatoxin B1  0.1 - 10  0.9988
              2 Aflatoxin B2        [M+H] +     6.621  315 > 259 315 > 287  315 > 243  13 C Aflatoxin B2  0.1 - 10  0.9995
              3 Aflatoxin G1        [M+H] +     6.453  329 > 243 329 > 200      13 C Aflatoxin G1  0.1 - 10  0.9998
              4 Aflatoxin G2        [M+H] +     6.219  331 > 245 331 > 285      13 C Aflatoxin G2  0.1 - 10  0.9965
              5 Ochratoxin A       [M+H] +     7.509  404 > 239 404 > 221  404 > 358  13 C Ochratoxin A  0.4 - 40  0.9969
              6 Fumonisin B1       [M+H] +     6.811  722 > 352 722 > 334  722 > 704  13 C Aflatoxin B2  10 - 1000  0.9937
              7 Fumonisin B2       [M+H] +     7.260  706 > 318 706 > 354  706 > 688  13 C Aflatoxin B2  10 - 1000  0.9998
              8 Fumonisin B3       [M+H] +     7.073  706 > 318 706 > 354  706 > 688  13 C Aflatoxin B2  10 - 1000  0.9991
              9 Deoxynivalenol     [M+H] +     2.372  297 > 279 297 > 249      13 C Deoxynivalenol  10 - 1000  0.9992
             10 Diacetoxyscirpenol  [M+NH4] +  6.349  384 > 229 384 > 307  384 > 247  13 C T2 Toxin  10 - 1000  0.9994
             11 T2                 [M+NH4] +   7.206  484 > 185 484 > 215  484 > 245  13 C T2 Toxin  10 - 1000  0.9989
             12 HT-2               [M+Na] +    6.822  447 > 345 447 > 285      13 C T2 Toxin  10 - 1000  1.0000
             13 Nivalenol          [M-CH3COO] -  1.684  371 > 281 371 > 311    13 C HT-2      10 - 1000  0.9991
             14 Neosolaniol        [M+NH4] +   3.227  400 > 215 400 > 305  400 > 185  13 C Deoxynivalenol  10 - 1000  0.9995
             15 Fusarenon X        [M+H] +     2.986  355 > 247 355 > 277      13 C Deoxynivalenol  10 - 1000  0.9987
             16 Zearalenone        [M-H] -     7.711  317 > 175 317 > 131  317 > 273  13 C T2 Toxin  10 - 1000  0.9985
             17 15-Acetyldeoxynivalenol  [M+H] +  4.406  339 > 261 339 > 297   13 C Deoxynivalenol  10 - 1000  1.0000
             18 3-Acetyldeoxynivalenol  [M+H] +  4.618  339 > 261 339 > 297    13 C Deoxynivalenol  10 - 1000  0.9986
             19  13 C HT-2         [M+NH4] +   6.844  464 > 278
             20  13 C T2           [M+NH4] +   7.228  508 > 322
             21    C Aflatoxin B1   [M+H] +     6.754  330 > 301
             22    C Aflatoxin B2   [M+H] +     6.614  332 > 303
             23  13 C Aflatoxin G1  [M+H] +     6.435  346 > 212
             24  13 C Aflatoxin G2  [M+H] +     6.219  348 > 259
             25  13 C Ochratoxin A  [M+H] +    7.516  424 > 250

                   Aflatoxin B1                 600  Deoxynivalenol                Zearalenone
                   y = 16.429566x - 0.255901       y = 0.589259x + 1.113599   2.5e3  y = 2.647269x + 2.134888
                   R  = 0.99882                 500  R  = 0.9992016                R  = 0.9984917
                   Fit; Linear  Weighting; 1/C     Fit; Linear  Weighting; 1/C     Fit; Linear  Weighting; 1/C
               125                                                            2.0e3
                   Zero not forced                 Zero not forced                 Zero not forced
              Area Ratio  100                 Area Ratio  300                Area Ratio  1.5e3
                                                100                           5.0e2
                0                                0                            0.0e0
                 0    2    4    6    8   10       0   200  400  600  800  1000   0   200  400  600  800  1000
                                       Conc. Ratio                    Conc. Ratio                    Conc. Ratio
                                           Fig. 2  Calibration Curves for Selected Compounds
                     Calibration Curves for Aflatoxin (0.1 – 10 μg/kg), Deoxynivalenol (10 – 1000 μg/kg), and Zearalenone (10 – 1000 μg/kg).
            Q Conclusions
            In this study a single method has been developed for   coefficients R  typically greater than 0.998 (Fig. 2 and
            the analysis of 18 regulated mycotoxins with an    Table 1). The LC mobile phase, column and gradient
            injection to injection cycle time of 12.5 minutes. This   were all optimised and provided chromatographic
            method achieves the required EU reporting limits   resolution of 15-acetyldeoxynivalenol and
            (between 0.1 -10 μg/kg) with linear regression     3-acetyldeoxynivalenol.
            Q References
            1)  A. Rahmani, S. Jinap, and F. Soleimany. 2009. Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Mycotoxins. Comprehensive reviews in food science and
               food safety. 8: 202-251.
            2)  M. E. Zain. 2011. Impact of mycotoxins on humans and animals. Journal of Saudi Chemical Society. 15 (2): 129-144.
            3)  M. Sameni, A. Dübecke and J. F. Weber. 2014. Simultaneous Multi- Residue Determination of Mycotoxins in Foods Using LC-MS/MS.
               Journal of Environmental & Analytical Toxicology. 5 (2): 1000259
            4)  J. W. Bennett and M. Klich. 2003. Mycotoxins. Clinical Microbiology Reviews. 16 (3): 497-516
            5)  Mycotoxins regulations for Food. Accessed 6th September 2016
                                                                                                     First Edition: Oct. 2016

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