Page 57 - Application Notebook - Solution for Food Safety
P. 57

Application  No.L512
                         Table 2  Analytical Conditions                     4BNQMF
             System      : Nexera-i 3D, RF-20AXS
             Column      : Shim-pack GIST C18 (75 mm L. × 3.0 mm I.D., 2 μm)   &YUSBDUJPO
             Mobile Phase  : A) 20 mmol/L (Sodium) phosphate buffer (pH 2.5)   'JMUFSJOH
                          B) Acetonitrile

                          C) Methanol                                       .ZDP4QJOä      .VMUJ4FQš
                          (Gradient elution)                                 $MFBOVQ DPMVNO
             Flowrate    : 1.0 mL/min
             Column Temp.  : 55 ˚C
             Injection Vol.  : 10 μL                                           $MFBOVQ
             Detection    AFB1, AFB2, AFG1, AFG2, AFM1
             (RF-20AXS)  :        : Ex 365 nm, Em 450 nm
                          OTA, ZON  : Ex 320 nm, Em 465 nm                  *OKFDU UP )1-$
             Detection   :  NIV, DON  : 220 nm (ch 1)
             (Nexera-i 3D)  PAT   : 276 nm (ch 2)                           Fig. 4  Sample Pretreatment
            Although regulatory limits for mycotoxin levels in food   3  mV                     ˙Peaks: See Fig. 3.
            can vary by country and region, the screening system is   RF-20AXS  2  4          A: Standard mixture
            compatible with the strictest regulatory limits that are   2                      B: Flour
                                                                                              C: Flour [spiked]
            found in the EU (excluding regulatory limits in baby
            food). Chromatograms of a standard mixture with
            mycotoxin levels equivalent to EU reference levels  is   1             5               7
            shown in Fig. 3.                                                 3                   6      A
                                                                 0                                      B
               mV                                                                                       C
                RF-20AXS   4       ˙Peaks
                                    1) AFM1 1 μg/L                4     5    6     7     8    9     10   11
                       2            2) AFG2 0.25 μg/L                                                   min
              2                     3) AFG1 0.25 μg/L              mAU
                     1              4) AFB2 0.25 μg/L                    Nexera-i PDA
                                    5) AFB1 0.25 μg/L                                 8               9
                                    6) ZON  50 μg/L              5
                                    7) OTA  5 μg/L
                                5                                                                       A
                          3                   6
                                                                 0                                      B
               4     5    6     7     8     9    10    11
                                                      min         0.0   0.5    1.0    1.5   2.0    2.5   3.0
               mAU                                                                                       min
                Nexera-i PDA        ˙Peaks
              5                      8) NIV  1000 μg/L                 Fig. 5  Chromatograms of Soft Wheat Flour
                                  8  9) DON 1000 μg/L
                                    10) PAT 25 μg/L
                                                 9                 mV                           ˙Peaks: See Fig. 3.
                                                                   RF-20AXS     4             A: Standard mixture
              0                                    220 nm                 2
                                 10                                                           B: Rice flour
                                                   276 nm        2                            C: Rice flour [spiked]
              0.0    0.5    1.0   1.5    2.0    2.5   3.0
                                                      min        1                                 7
                                                                             3                   6
                   Fig. 3  Chromatograms of a Standard Mixture                                          A
                                                                 0                                      B
            Q Analysis of Mycotoxins in Grain                                                           C
            This section describes an analysis of milled grains after   4  5  6    7     8     9    10  min
            pretreatment. Fig. 4 shows an overview of the sample   mAU
            pretreatment method. Further details can be found in          Nexera-i PDA
            the mycotoxin screening system instruction manual.   5                    8               9
            Chromatograms of pretreated samples of soft wheat
            flour and rice flour and of pretreated samples of soft                                       A
            wheat flour and rice flour spiked with a standard    0                                       B
            mixture of mycotoxins that are produced in grains                                           C
            (shown among the screening target compounds listed
            in Table 1) are shown in Fig. 5 and Fig. 6.           0.0    0.5   1.0    1.5   2.0    2.5   3.0
            Comparing the area of each peak in the standard                                             min
            mixture that contains mycotoxins at EU reference levels      Fig. 6  Chromatograms of Rice Flour
            and each peak in the flour samples allows identification
            of whether the mycotoxins present in flour samples are   Footnotes
                                                               1) Converted concentrations in the standard mixture were obtained
            in excess and violation of reference levels. The system   according to a pretreatment method described in the i-Series
            makes this determination without the need for complex   Solution Package Mycotoxin Screening System instruction manual.
            analysis of results by the user, allowing for easy   2) MycoSpinä 400 and MultiSepš 227 are registered trademarks of
            screening of target compounds.                       Romer Labs.
                                                                                                     First Edition: Sep. 2016
                                             For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedure.
                                             This publication may contain references to products that are not available in your country. Please contact us to check the availability of these
                                             products in your country.

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                                             Company names, product/service names and logos used in this publication are trademarks and trade names of Shimadzu Corporation or its
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                                             The information contained herein is provided to you "as is" without warranty of any kind including without limitation warranties as to its
                                             accuracy or completeness. Shimadzu does not assume any responsibility or liability for any damage, whether direct or indirect, relating to the
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                                                                                                © Shimadzu Corporation, 2016
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