Page 62 - Application Notebook - Solution for Food Safety
P. 62


            Application                  Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry

            News                         Analysis  of  Diarrhetic  Shellfish Toxin  Using Triple

                                         Quadrupole LC/MS/MS (LCMS-8050)

            The Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
            (JMHLW) specified in July, 1980 that the mouse bioassy
            (MBA) be used as the official method for diarrhetic   100000  PTX6 906.50 > 835.40(+)
            shellfish toxin, and that the permissible exposure limit be   95000 OA 803.50 > 255.20(-) (4.00)
            0.05 MU per gram of edible shellfish* . Shellfish in which   90000  YTX1 1141.50 > 1061.30(-) (9.00)
                                                                       DTX1 817.50 > 255.20(-) (5.00)
            the toxin exceeds this limit are prohibited from being sold   PTX1 892.60 > 821.40(+)
            at market according to the Japanese Food Sanitation Law   85000  PTX2 876.50 > 805.40(+)
            Article 6, Item 2.                                    80000    PTX6
            Due to significant technological advances since 1980, the   75000
            sensitivity and accuracy obtained using the MBA method                 OA
            are significantly inferior compared to the high-precision,   70000
            high-sensitivity possible using liquid chromatography   65000
            mass spectrometry analytical instrumentation, which is                    YTX1
            currently used for this application. A complete transition   60000            DTX1
            to instrumental analysis for lipophilic marine biotoxins is   55000
            scheduled to be implemented by January 2015           50000
            throughout the EU.
            Based on this international trend, the JMHLW is currently   45000                  PTX2
            considering migration to an instrumental analysis assay   40000
            and setting new reference values to be used with                               PTX1
            instrumental analysis, in addition to the introduction of   35000
            the Codex standard for okadaic acids (OA, Reference 1).  30000
                       Table 1  CODEX Standard 292-2008
                                       Reference Value
                  OA Acids     Permissible ingestion limit of 0.16 mg
               (OA and DTX group)  OA per kg of edible shellfish  10000
            Fig. 1 shows examples of LC/MS/MS high-sensitivity       0
            analysis of okadaic acid (OA), dinophysistoxin 1 (DTX1)      6.0      7.0      8.0      9.0  min
            and pectenotoxins (PTX1, 2, 6) and yessotoxin 1 (YTX1).
            Thus, it is possible to conduct high-sensitivity, high-
            separation analysis of each component.              Fig. 1  MRM Chromatograms of Diarrhetic Shellfish Toxin (1 ng/mL)
            Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 show MRM chromatograms of
            standard samples of OA and DTX1, respectively.

            * The amount of toxin resulting in the death of two out of three mice
             following intraperitoneal administration of the equivalent of 20 g per
             edible shellfish.

                  5:803.50> 255.20(-)  550 5:803.50> 255.20(-)  5:803.50> 255.20(-)  5:803.50> 255.20(-)  5:803.50> 255.20(-)  5:803.50> 255.20(-)  5:803.50> 255.20(-)  5:803.50> 255.20(-)
                275  0-1        0-1   800  0-1   4500  0-1        0-1                    0-1   400000  0-1
                           500                              8000        40000      80000
                250                   700
                           450                   4000                   35000      70000       350000
                225                                         7000
                           400        600        3500                                          300000
                200                                         6000        30000      60000
                           350                   3000
                175                   500                   5000        25000      50000       250000
                150                              2500
                                      400                                                      200000
                           250                              4000        20000      40000
                           200        300                                                      150000
                100                                         3000        15000      30000
                                      200                   2000        10000      20000       100000
                50         100
                                      100                   1000        5000       10000       50000
                25          50                   500
                 0          0          0          0           0          0           0          0
                    7.0  8.0   7.0  8.0   7.0  8.0   7.0  8.0    7.0  8.0   7.0  8.0    7.0  8.0   7.0  8.0
                    0.025       0.05       0.1         0.5        1           5          10        50 ng/mL
                                            Fig. 2  MRM Chromatograms of Okadaic Acid (OA)
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