Page 63 - Application Notebook - Solution for Food Safety
P. 63

Application  No.C104

                 8:817.50 > 255.20(-)  400  8:817.50 > 255.20(-)  8:817.50 > 255.20(-)  8:817.50 > 255.20(-)  8000  8:817.50 > 255.20(-)  8:817.50 > 255.20(-)  90000  8:817.50 > 255.20(-)  8:817.50 > 255.20(-)
               300  D-1    375  D-1   900  D-1   4000  D-1   7500  D-1  40000  D-1       D-1   400000  D-1
                           350                               7000                   80000
               275                                                                             350000
                           325        800        3500        6500       35000
               250                                                                  70000
                           300                               6000
                                      700                               30000                  300000
               225         275                   3000        5500
               200         250        600                    5000       25000                  250000
                           225                   2500        4500                   50000
                           200        500                    4000                              200000
               150                               2000                   20000
                           175                               3500                   40000
               125         150                               3000                              150000
                                                 1500                   15000       30000
               100         125        300                    2500
                           100                               2000                              100000
               75                                1000                   10000       20000
                           75         200                    1500
                           50                     500        1000        5000                  50000
                                      100                                           10000
               25                                            500
                0          0           0           0          0           0          0           0
                           -25                               -500
                    8.0  9.0    8.0  9.0    8.0  9.0   8.0  9.0    8.0  9.0   8.0  9.0   8.0  9.0    8.0  9.0
                    0.025 ɹɹɹɹɹɹɹɹ          0.1        0.5         1           5          10       50 ng/mL
                                        Fig. 3  MRM Chromatograms of Dinophysistoxin 1 (DTX1)
            In addition, the calibration curves of OA and DTX1 are shown in Fig. 4. In both cases, the coefficient of determination
            R  was greater than 0.9999, indicating excellent linearity. Comparable linearity was also obtained for the other four
            Thus, instrumental analysis of shellfish by LC/MS/MS offers high sensitivity and accuracy, making it a highly effective
            analytical method. For this reason it is attracting attention as an alternative to the traditional MBA method.
                          Area (×1,000,000)                           Area (×1,000,000)
                           OA                                      2.25  DTX1
                           0.025-50 ng/mL (n=3)                    2.00  0.025-50 ng/mL (n=3)
                       1.25                                        1.25
                       1.00                                        1.00
                       0.75                                        0.75
                       0.50                                        0.50
                                          R  = 0.9999153                              R  = 0.9999308
                       0.25                                        0.25
                                          R  = 0.9999577                              R  = 0.9999654
                       0.00                                        0.00
                          0    10   20   30   40    50                0    10   20   30   40    50
                                              Concentration                              Concentration
                                              Fig. 4  Calibration Curves of OA and DTX1
                                                  Table 2  Analytical Conditions
                 Column            : InertSustain C8 (50 mm L. × 2.1 mm I.D., 3 μm)
                 Mobile Phases     : A 2 mmol/L Ammonium Formate – Water (pH adjusted to 8.5 with ammonia water)
                                   : B Methanol
                 Time Program      : 20 %B (0 min) – 100 %B (10 min) – 20 %B (10.01 min) – STOP (15 min)
                 Flowrate          : 0.2 mL/min
                 Column Temperature   : 40 ˚C
                 Injection Volume   : 10 μL
                 Probe Voltage     : +4.0 kV/-3.0 kV (ESI-positive / negative mode)
                 DL Temperature    : 200 ˚C
                 Block Heater Temperature  : 400 ˚C
                 Interface Temperature   : 350 ˚C
                 Nebulizing Gas Flow   : 3 L/min
                 Drying Gas Flow   : 10 L/min
                 Heating Gas Flow   : 10 L/min
                 MRM Transition    : (+) PTX6 906.50 > 835.40, PTX1 892.60 > 821.40, PTX2 876.50 > 805.40
                                   : (-) OA 803.50 > 255.20, YTX1 1141.50 > 1061.30, DTX1 817.50 > 255.20
            The diarrhetic shellfish toxin standards were provided courtesy of Dr. Toshiyuki Suzuki of the Japanese National Research Institute of Fisheries Science.
            Reference 1: July, 2014, Food Safety Commission of Japan "Natural Poison Evaluation Report – Okadaic Acid Group Among Bivalves"

                                                                                                      First Edition: Apr. 2015

                                               For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
                                               The content of this publication shall not be reproduced, altered or sold for any commercial purpose without the written approval of Shimadzu.
                                               The information contained herein is provided to you "as is" without warranty of any kind including without limitation warranties as to its
                                               accuracy or completeness. Shimadzu does not assume any responsibility or liability for any damage, whether direct or indirect, relating to the
                                               use of this publication. This publication is based upon the information available to Shimadzu on or before the date of publication, and subject
                                               to change without notice.                                                                        © Shimadzu Corporation, 2015
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