Page 64 - Application Notebook - Solution for Food Safety
P. 64


            Application                  High Performance Liquid Chromatography

            News                         Analysis of Residual Antimicrobials in Meat with

                                         Antimicrobial Screening System (Part 1)

            In May 2006, the positive list system took effect in Japan   Q Sample Pretreatment
            that, in principle, prohibited the sale of food products   Sample pretreatment was performed based on
            with residual levels of pesticides, animal feed additives,   Simultaneous Analysis Method ᶗ for Veterinary Drugs by
            and veterinary drugs (collectively referred to as   HPLC (Livestock and Marine Products).  2),3)  After
            agricultural chemicals, etc.) above the level determined
            by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare. 1)  acetonitrile extraction and removing fat by acetonitrile/
            Antimicrobials are a type of veterinary drug and animal   hexane partitioning, sample solution was prepared by
            feed additive, and used for the treatment and prevention   evaporation then redissolution. Fig. 1 shows the sample
            of disease in livestock and marine products. Quinolones   pretreatment protocol, and Table 1 shows sample
            and sulfonamides are two common groups of synthetic   solution concentrations after pretreatment. Refer to the
            antimicrobials.                                    instruction manual of the system for the details of the
            Shimadzu's quick and simple antimicrobial screening   sample pretreatment procedure.
            system is capable of screening 24 antimicrobials
            compounds. An example screening analysis targeting 12
            widely used quinolones (old quinolones, new quinolones)   Sample (homogenized) 1 g
            is described here. Application News No.L510 also                 Extraction
            describes an example screening analysis targeting 12
            antimicrobials including sulfonamides (also including   Supernatant
                                                                 Hexane Partitioning
            Q Antimicrobial Screening System
                                                                             Fat Removal
            Shimadzu's antimicrobial screening system is able to
            determine whether levels of antimicrobials subject to
            regulation in various countries are above a maximum     Acetonitrile Layer         Hexane Layer
            residue limit (MRL). Table 1 shows MRLs for the target
            quinolones.                                                      Evaporation
            The system uses an i-Series integrated HPLC instrument   Residue
            and RF-20Axs high-sensitivity fluorescence detector,
            and comes with a sample pretreatment method,                     Redissolution
            analytical column, analytical method files, and a UV
            spectral library that allow for immediate operation after   Acetonitrile Layer - Aqueous Layer
            installation. When the analysis method capable of
            simultaneous component analysis is used, the system       HPLC
            can be used for simultaneous screening of multiple
            components. The determination of whether MRL have            Fig. 1  Sample Pretreatment Protocol
            been exceeded can be viewed immediately after the
            system completes analysis. The photodiode array (PDA)           Table 2  Analytical Conditions
            detector built into the i-Series instrument supports
            highly accurate screening with compound identification   System   : LC-2040C 3D, RF-20AXS
            based on retention times as well as UV spectra.     Column     : Shim-pack FC-ODS (150 mm L. × 4.6 mm I.D., 3 μm)
                                                                Mobile Phase   : A) 20 mM (Sodium) Phosphate Buffer Containing
                                                                                0.1 M Sodium Perchlorate
               Table 1  Maximum Residue Limits and Sample Solution          B)  Acetonitrile/Methanol=90/10
                     Concentration of Screening Target Compounds  Time Program   : Gradient Elution
                                                                Flowrate   : 1.0 mL/min
                                  MRL     Sample Solution       Column Temp.   : 40 ˚C
                                 (mg/kg)  Concentration (mg/L)  Injection Volume : 5 μL
                1  Marbofloxacin   0.01       0.025              Detection   : <LC-2040C 3D>
                2  Ofloxacin       0.01       0.025                           280 nm
                3  Ciprofloxacin   0.01       0.025                           <RF-20AXS>
                                                                             Ex at 290 nm, Em at 495 nm
                4  Danofloxacin    0.01       0.025                           Ex at 325 nm, Em at 365 nm
                5  Enrofloxacin    0.01       0.025
                                                                Cell Temp.   : 40 ˚C (PDA), 30 ˚C (RF)
                6  Orbifloxacin    0.01       0.025
                7  Sarafloxacin    0.01       0.025
                8  Difloxacin      0.01       0.025
                9  Oxolinic acid  0.01       0.025
                10 Nalidixic acid  0.01      0.025
                11 Flumequine     0.01       0.025
                12 Piromidic acid  0.01      0.025
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