Page 66 - Application Notebook - Solution for Food Safety
P. 66


            Application                  High Performance Liquid Chromatography

            News                         Analysis of Residual Antimicrobials in Meat with

                                         Antimicrobial Screening System (Part 2)

            Antimicrobials are a type of veterinary drug and animal          Sample (homogenized) 10 g
            feed additive, and are used for the treatment and
            prevention of disease in livestock and marine products.                  Extraction
            Residual antimicrobials are often found in livestock and
            marine products, so threshold levels for antimicrobials         Supernatant
            are set by regulation to ensure the safety of the                        Fat Removal
            consumer based on amounts that do not harm human
            health.                                                          Acetonitrile Layer
            Due to ongoing reports of recent cases of regulatory                     Evaporation
            violations in various countries and the large number of
            compounds targeted for testing, there is a demand for             Residue
            quick and simple antimicrobial screening.
            While Application News No.L509 described an example                      Redissolution
            of using the antimicrobial screening system for                  Acetonitrile Layer - Aqueous Layer
            screening 12 quinolone compounds, this Application
            News describes an example screening analysis of 12
            antimicrobial target compounds including sulfanomides.             HPLC
                                                                         Fig. 1  Sample Pretreatment Protocol
            Q Sample Pretreatment
            Sample pretreatment for analysis of residual antimicrobials
            in meat usually employs liquid-liquid extraction (and   Q Analysis of Antimicrobials Including Sulfonamides
            sometimes solid phase extraction), but this process takes   in Meat
            time and effort. In this article, we employed a QuEChERS   Chicken and beef were used as samples. The analytical
            method designed to be more efficient and reduce    conditions are shown in Table 2. Chromatograms of the
            pretreatment times. The QuEChERS method is used to   pretreated matrix solutions (blue line), matrix solutions
            pretreat vegetables and fruits for residual pesticide   spiked with standard solution to create matrix standard
            analysis.                                          solutions (red line), and neat standard solution (black
            After using the QuEChERS method to perform extraction   line) are shown in Fig. 2.
            and fat removal, sample solutions were prepared by   Standard solution was added to matrix solutions to
            evaporation and redissolution steps. Table 1 shows the   make up antimicrobial concentrations, including
            maximum residue limits (MRLs) of target compounds and   sulfonamide concentrations, of 0.01 mg/kg in matrix
            sample solution concentrations after sample pretreatment,   standard solutions. Standard solutions were prepared to
            and Fig. 1 shows the sample pretreatment protocol. Refer   the sample solution concentrations listed in Table 1.
            to the instruction manual of the system for the details of   The photodiode array (PDA) detector (six-wavelength)
            the sample pretreatment procedure.                 built in the i-Series instrument was used for detecting
                                                               all target compounds. Employing the analytical
                                                               conditions shown, all 12 compounds were separated
               Table 1  Maximum Residue Limits and Sample Solution
                     Concentration of Screening Target Compounds  and eluted in approximately 25 minutes.
                                   MRL     Sample Solution
                    Compound                                                Table 2  Analytical Conditions
                                  (mg/kg)  Concentration (mg/L)
               1  Sulfadiazine     0.01       0.025
                                                                System    : LC-2040C 3D
               2  Sulfamerazine    0.01       0.025             Column    : Shim-pack FC-ODS (150 mm L. × 4.6 mm I.D., 3 μm)
               3  Sulfadimidine    0.01       0.025             Mobile Phase   : A) 20 mM (Sodium) Phosphate Buffer Containing
               4  Sulfamonomethoxine  0.01    0.025                            0.1 M Sodium Perchlorate
               5  Trimethoprim     0.01       0.025                        B) Acetonitrile/Methanol=80/20
                                                                Time Program   : Gradient Elution
               6  Sulfamethoxazole  0.01      0.025
                                                                Flowrate   : 1.0 mL/min
               7  Ormetoprim       0.01       0.025             Column Temp.   : 50 ˚C
               8  Sulfadimethoxine  0.01      0.025             Injection Volume : 20 μL
               9  Sulfaquinoxaline  0.01      0.025             Detection   : 240 nm
               10 Pyrimethamine    0.01       0.025                        270  nm
                                                                           280 nm
               11 Difurazon        0.01       0.025
                                                                           285 nm
               12 Nicarbazin *1    0.01       0.025
                                                                           350 nm
               *1: Concentration of N, N'-Bis(4-nitrophenyl)urea, the main  380  nm
                                                                Cell Temp.   : 40 ˚C
                  constituent of nicarbazin.
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