Page 70 - Application Notebook - Solution for Food Safety
P. 70


            Application                  Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry

            News                         Analysis of Sulfamic Acid in Fertilizers Using LC/MS


            Sulfamic acid, due to its plant growth inhibiting effects,
            is subject to maximum limits in fertilizers as specified in   4500  95.90(-)
            the official standard  for ordinary fertilizers according to
            the Japanese Fertilizers Regulation Act. According to the
            Testing Methods for Fertilizers  supervised by Japan's   4000
            Food and Agricultural Materials Inspection Center
            (FAMIC), the ion chromatography (IC) method is
            specified as the test method for sulfamic acid in   3500
            ammonium sulfate. It has been reported, however, that
            when applying this IC method with byproduct
            compound fertilizer (fertilizer produced by concentrating   3000
            and drying liquid byproducts obtained from fermentation
            plants involved in amino acid production, etc.) samples
            that contain large amounts of organic matter, it is   2500
            difficult to separate the sulfamic acid peaks from
            contaminant peaks generated from sample matrix. 3)
            In this application, we investigated the analytical     0.0       2.5      5.0       7.5    min
            conditions for LC/MS that would permit acquisition of
            mass information and provide high selectivity in order to
            eliminate the effects of contaminating components. The   Fig. 1  Mass Chromatogram (SIM) of Sulfamic Acid (0.1 mg/L)
            LCMS-2020 single quadrupole mass spectrometer was
            used for the analysis.
            Good quantitative results were obtained, confirming the   Area
            applicability of this method using byproduct compound
            fertilizer as the actual sample.                    27500
            n Analysis of Standard Solution                     22500
            Table 1 shows the analytical conditions, and Fig. 1 shows   20000
            chromatogram obtained using a standard solution     17500
            (0.1 mg/L aqueous solution) of sulfamic acid.
            As retention of a zwitterionic compound such as     15000
            sulfamic acid is difficult using reversed phase conditions,   12500
            we adopted conditions using a HILIC column. Isocratic   10000
            analysis was conducted using a mobile phase consisting   7500                      R  = 0.9991732
            of acetonitrile / ammonium formate + formic acid                                   R = 0.9983472
            (pH 3.2).                                            5000
            Applying the LC/MS method (ESI-Negative), we         2500        Area % RSD (0.001 mg/L, n=5) 2.72 %
            conducted selected ion monitoring (SIM) analysis using   0
            the deprotonated molecule at m/z 95.9. Fig. 2 shows the   0.0    25.0     50.0    75.0 Concentration
            calibration curve. Excellent linearity was obtained over
            the entire concentration range of 0.001 to 0.1 mg/L,
            with a correlation coefficient greater than 0.999.         Fig. 2  Calibration Curve (0.001 – 0.1 mg/L)

                                                   Table 1  Analytical Conditions
                 Column             : Phenomenex Luna HILIC 20A (100 mm L. × 2.0 mm I.D., 5 μm)
                 Mobile Phases      : Acetonitrile/100 mmol/L Ammonium Formate+ Formic Acid (pH 3.2) = 90:10, v/v
                 Flowrate           : 0.2 mL/min
                 Column Temperature   : 40 ˚C
                 Injection Volume   : 1 μL
                 Probe Voltage      : -3.5 kV (ESI-negative mode)
                 DL Temperature     : 250 ˚C
                 Block Heater Temperature   : 400 ˚C
                 Nebulizing Gas Flow   : 1.5 L/min
                 Drying Gas Flow    : 15 L/min
                 Monitoring Ion (SIM)   : m/z 95.9
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