Page 74 - Application Notebook - Solution for Food Safety
P. 74


            Application                  High Performance Liquid Chromatography

            News                         Analysis of Melamine and Its Related Substances in


            Calcium cyanamide is effective as a fertilizer, pesticide,   mAU
            soil amendment, and for many other uses, and it is                         3     ˙ Peaks
            essential compound for producing high quality          10.0                       1) Cyanuric acid
            vegetables. Recently, high levels of melamine were                                2) Ammelide
                                                                                              3) Melamine
            discovered as a byproduct in some calcium cyanamide    7.5                        4) Ammeline
            hydrate products, pelletized by adding water to calcium
            cyanamide. Due to the risk of agricultural products    5.0            1   2        4
            absorbing the melamine from the soil, it has been
            identified as a potential public health risk. For example,   2.5
            if both melamine and its related substance cyanuric acid
            are ingested at the same time, they can form crystals   0.0
            that can impede kidney function. 1)
            As a result, the Food Safety and Consumer Affairs        0.0   2.5   5.0   7.5  10.0  12.5  15.0
            Bureau in the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and
            Fisheries in Japan issued a notice specifying a 0.4 %   Fig. 2  Chromatogram of Standard Mixture (1 mg/L each)
            provisional maximum allowable concentration of
            melamine in calcium cyanamide. 2)                       Area (×100,000)      Area (×100,000)
            This article describes an example of pretreating and   1.75  Cyanuric acid  2.50  Ammelide
            analyzing melamine and its related substances, namely     R = 0.99999     2.25  R = 0.99999
            ammeline, ammelide, and cyanuric acid, in fertilizer, in   1.50           2.00
            accordance with the testing methods supervised by the   1.25
            Food and Agricultural Materials Inspection Center                         1.75
            (FAMIC) in Japan for fertilizers and other substances   1.00              1.50
            (2016, 8.1.c)   3), 4), 5)                                                1.25
            Q Analysis of Standard Solution                       0.50                0.75
            The structure of melamine and its related substances is   0.25            0.50
            shown in Fig. 1. The analytical conditions are indicated                  0.25
            in Table 1. The chromatogram of the standard mixture   0.00               0.00
            solution of melamine and its related substances (1 mg/L   0.0  1.0  2.0  3.0  Conc. (mg/L)  0.0  1.0  2.0  3.0  Conc. (mg/L)
            each) is shown in Fig. 2. For more details regarding the   Area (×100,000)   Area (×100,000)
            procedures used to prepare the standard solution and                       3.5
            mobile phase, refer to the applicable test methods.    6.0 Melamine           Ammeline
            Calibration curves for melamine and its related        5.0  R = 0.99999    3.0 R = 0.99999
            substances are shown in Fig. 3. Calibration curves were                    2.5
            prepared for a concentration range of 0.05 to 5 mg/L.   4.0
            The results indicated good linearity, with a contribution                  2.0
            rate (R ) over 0.9999.                                 3.0
                                Substance  R1  R2    R3                                1.0
                                 Cyanuric  OH  OH   OH             1.0                 0.5
                                Ammelide  OH   OH   NH2            0.0 0.0  1.0  2.0  3.0  4.0  5.0  0.0 0.0  1.0  2.0  3.0  4.0  5.0
                                                                                Conc. (mg/L)        Conc. (mg/L)
                                Ammeline  OH   NH2  NH2
                                Melamine  NH2  NH2  NH2                    Fig. 3  Linearity (0.05 to 5 mg/L)
                   Fig. 1  Chemical Structure of Melamine and   Q Repeatability
                        Its Related Substances                 The relative standard deviation (%RSD) results for
                                                               peak area after analyzing the standard solution
                         Table 1  Analytical Conditions
                                                               (0.1 mg/L) six consecutive times were very good, with
                 System    :  Prominence                       0.41 % for cyanuric acid, 0.42 % for ammelide,
                 Column    : TOSOH, TSKgel Amide-80            0.52 % for melamine, and 0.56 % for ammeline.
                             (250 mm L. × 4.6 mm I.D., 5 μm)
                 Guard Column  : TOSOH, TSKgel guardgel Amide-80  When pretreated as indicated in Fig. 4, the 0.1 mg/L
                             (15 mm L. × 3.2 mm I.D.)          concentration of the standard solution is equivalent to
                 Mobile Phase   : (Sodium) phosphate buffer pH 6.7±0.2 /   a 0.02 % concentration of melamine and other
                             Acetonitrile = 1/4  (v/v)         related substances in fertilizer.
                 Flowrate   : 1.0 mL/min
                 Column Temp.  : 40 …C
                 Injection Vol.   : 10 μL
                 Detection   : UV-VIS detector (SPD-20A) at 214 nm
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