Page 77 - Application Notebook - Solution for Food Safety
P. 77

Application  No.C140

                                                  Table 2  Analytical Conditions
                  System        : Nexera X2                           System         : LCMS-8060
                  Column        : ACE SuperC18 (100 mm L. × 2.1 mm I.D., 2 μm)  Ionization   : Heated ESI
                  Column Temperature  : 30 °C                         Probe Voltage   : +1 kV (positive ionization) /
                  Mobile Phases   : A: Water = 0.05 % ammonia                          -1.5 kV (negative ionization)
                                  B: Methanol + 0.05 % ammonia        Temperature    : Interface: 400 °C
                  Flowrate      : 600 μL/min                                           Desolvation Line: 200 °C
                  Gradient      : 5 %B to 100 %B in 3 min                              Heater Block: 400 °C
                                  100 %B to 5 %B in 0.1 min           Gas Flow       : Nebulizing Gas: 3 L/min
                  Total Run Time   : 4 min                                             Heating Gas: 10 L/min
                  Injection Volume   : 2 μL (POISe mode with 10 μL of water)           Drying Gas: 5 L/min

                                               Table 3  MS/MS Acquisition Parameters
                          MRM Transitions  Name             Polarity MRM Quan  MRM Qual     ISTD
                                          Acetamiprid       +     223.1 > 126.0  223.1 >   56.1  2
                                          Acetamiprid-N-desmethyl +  209.1 > 126.0  211.1 > 128.0  2
                                          Clothianidin      +     250.1 > 169.1  250.1 > 132.0  3
                                          Dinotefuran       +     203.0 > 114.0  203.0 >   87.0  1
                                          Fipronil          -     435.0 > 330.0  435.0 > 250.0  3
                                          Fipronil sulfone  -     451.0 > 415.0  451.0 > 282.0  3
                                          Imidacloprid      +     256.1 > 175.1  258.1 > 211.1  2
                                          Nitenpyram        +     271.0 > 126.0  271.0 > 225.0  3
                                          Thiacloprid       +     253.1 > 126  253.1 >   90.1  1
                                          Thiamethoxam      +     292.1 > 211.1  292.1 > 181.1  1

                                          Thiamethoxam-D3   +     295.1 > 214.05  ---       1
                                          Imidacloprid-D4   +     260.1 > 179.1  ---        2
                                          Clothianidin-D3   +     253.1 > 132.05  ---       3

                          Dwell Time      : 3 to 34 msec depending upon the number of concomitant transitions to ensure to
                                          have at least 30 points per peak (max total loop time 140 msec).
                          Pause Time      : 1 msec
                          Quadrupole Resolution : Q1: Unit    Q3: Unit

            Q Calibration                                        Area Ratio  37.5  y = 0.0x 2  + 0.008386x + 0.040184  n = 1
                                                                    R 2  = 0.9988971  R = 0.9994484
            Calibration curves were prepared in acetonitrile to   35.0  Curve Fit: Quadratic
                                                                  32.5  Weighting: 1/x
            obtain final concentrations ranging from 0.5 pg/mL    30.0  Zero: Default (Not Forced)
            (1 fg on column) to 5 ng/mL. These concentrations     27.5  Mean RF: 6.529647
                                                                  25.0  SD RF: 12.56448
            corresponds to 1 ng/kg and 10 μg/kg in honey,         22.5  %RSD: 192.4221
            respectively.                                         20.0
            For each compound, the lower limit of quantification   17.5
            was selected to give an accuracy between 80-120 %     12.5
            (see table 4).                                        10.0
            A typical calibration curve is shown in Fig. 2.       7.5
                    Table 4  Limits of Quantification in Honey      0  250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250 2500 2750 3000 3250 3500 3750 4000 4250 4500 4750 5000
                              LOQ                     LOQ                   Standard (μg/kg)  Accuracy (%)
                 Compound               Compound
                              (μg/kg)                (μg/kg)                   0.005      106
             Acetamiprid      0.005  Fipronil sulfone  0.001
                                                                               0.010      97.2
             Acetamiprid-N-desmethyl  0.005  Imidacloprid  0.020
                                                                               0.020      95.6
             Chlothianidin    0.020  Nitenpyram      0.020
                                                                               0.100      107
             Dinotefuran      0.010  Thiacloprid     0.005
             Fipronil         0.001  Thiamethoxam    0.005                     0.200      98.4
                                                                               0.500      91.5
                                                                               1.000      104
                                                                               5.000      99.9
                                                                               10.000     100
                                                                        Fig. 2  Calibration Curve of Acetamiprid
   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82