Page 81 - Application Notebook - Solution for Food Safety
P. 81


          LC system             Nexera X2 (Shimadzu, Japan)     Mass spectrometer       LCMS-8060 (Shimadzu, Japan)
          Analytical column     Raptor Biphenyl TM              Interface voltage       -3 kV
                                100 x 2.1 mm, 2.7 µm (RESTEK)   Q1 resolution           Unit (0.7 Da FWHM)
          Column oven temperature  35 °C
                                                                Q3 resolution           Unit (0.7 Da FWHM)
          Injection volume      2 µl
                                                                Nebulizing gas flow     3 L/min
          Mobile Phase A        2 mM ammonium formate           Drying gas flow         10 L/min
                                + 0.002% formic acid - Water
          Mobile Phase B        2 mM ammonium formate           Heating gas flow        10 L/min
                                + 0.002% formic acid - Methanol  DL temperature         150 °C
                                                                Heat block temperature  300 °C
                                                                Interface Temperature   350 °C

        In addition, the so-called "MRM spectrum mode"
        was used for analysis. Here, not only the
        fragments of the quantifier and the qualifiers are
        determined, but also a higher number (typically 6-
        10) of MRM fragment ions. Using this MRM
        spectrum mode, conventional MRM quantification
        is combined with a high-quality MRM product ion
        spectrum, which can be used in a library search
        routine,  thus   increasing  the  specificity  and
        verification of results (Figures 1 and 2).

                                                               Figure 2: The figure shows MRM chromatograms for Fipronil, one
                                                                      recorded with the usual 2 fragment ions, and compared
                                                                      with a method with higher number (12) of fragment ions
                                                                      which, despite this fact, have the same sensitivity.

          Figure 1: Result of the library search, presented with LabSolutions Insight Screening software
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