Page 80 - Application Notebook - Solution for Food Safety
P. 80

Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry

                                         Sensitive method for the determination of Fipronil and its
                                         metabolite Fipronil Sulfone in egg using QuEChERS
                                         sample pretreatment and LC-MS/MS detection
            No. SCA_210_041              [LCMS-8060]

         Introduction                                         of water and spiked with a respective amount of
                                                               Fipronil, Fipronil sulfone and in addition Fipronil-
        Fipronil concerns a broad-spectrum insecticide         desulfinyl   and    Fipronil-sulfide  (neochema,
        from the group of phenylpyrazoles used in many         Germany).
        countries as a biocide and plant protection product    10 mL of acetonitrile was added and the samples
        against fleas, lice, ticks, cockroaches, mites and     were mixed vigorously. After that ready to use
        other insects. Fipronil is an active compound in       QuEChERS extraction salts (Q-sep      TM   Q110,
        veterinary   products   fighting  tick  and    flea    Pouch and tubes – cat. #26235, Restek) were
        infestations in dogs and cats. The use as plant        added for sample drying and buffering. Samples
        protection product is restricted to seed treatment in  were mixed again and centrifuged at 4500 rpm for
        the European Union since 2007. However, due to         5 minutes. 1 mL of the supernatant was transferred
        the illegal use as addition to the cleaning supplies   into a dSPE tube (Q-sep  TM  QuEChERS dSPE –
        used in chicken coops the eggs and meat might          cat. #26217, Restek), shaken for 2 minutes,
        get contaminated as well.                              centrifuged, the supernatant was transferred into a
        The MRL (maximum residue levels) for Fipronil          glass vial and the pH was adjusted with 5% formic
        and and its metabolite Fipronil sulfone (which is      acid solution in acetonitrile (10 µL/mL super-
        classified as having similar toxicity) in eggs is set  natant).
        to 0.005 mg/kg by the EU (by definition the sum of
        fipronil and fipronil-sulfone expressed as fipronil)    Materials and methods
        [1], so that there is an actual requirement for the
        determination of both compounds in egg matrix at
        a relatively low level.                                Extracts were analyzed    using a method set up
        This application news presents a simple method         with Shimadzu’s LC/MS/MS Method Package for
        using a standard QuEChERS extraction protocol          Residual Pesticides Version 2 and a Nexera X2
        followed by LC-MS/MS detection.                        UHPLC system coupled to a LCMS-8060 mass
                                                               spectrometer. Analysis was carried out using MRM
                                  Fipronil                     (Multi Reaction Monitoring) mode.
                                  MF     C H Cl F N OS
                                                2 6
                                  MW     437,1 g/mol

         Sample preparation

        Compound extraction was performed using a
        simple QuEChERS (Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective,
        Rugged and Safe) method.
        5 g of egg (egg white and egg yolk) were weighted
        into a 50 mL polypropylene tube, diluted with 5 mL
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