Page 76 - Application Notebook - Solution for Food Safety
P. 76


            Application                  Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry

            News                         Ultra-Sensitive and Rapid Assay of Neonicotinoids,

                                         Fipronil and Some Metabolites in Honey by
            No.C140                      UHPLC-MS/MS [LCMS-8060]

            Neonicotinoids are a class of insecticides widely used to   After incubation at room temperature for one hour
            protect fields as well as fruits and vegetables.    with gentle shaking, a commercially available salt mix
            Recently the use of these compounds became very    from Biotage (4 g MgSO4, 1 g Sodium Citrate, 0.5 g
            controversial as they were pointed as one cause of the   Sodium Citrate sesquihydrate, 1g NaCl) was added.
            honeybees colony collapse disorder. Since pollination is   After manual shaking, samples were centrifuged at
            essential for agriculture, extensive studies have been   3000 g for 5 minutes at 10 ºC.
            conducted to evaluate the impact of neonicotinoids on   Supernatant (6 mL) was transferred into a 15 mL
            bee health. Following this the European Food Security   tube containing 1200 mg of MgSO4, 400 mg PSA
            Authoritiy (EFSA) limited the use of thiamethoxam,   and 400 mg C18 from Biotage. After centrifugation
            clothianidin and imidacloprid. Fipronil, a pesticide from   at 3000 g and 10 ºC for 5 minutes the supernatant
            a different chemical class, has been also banned by   was transferred into a LCMS certified inert glass vial
            EFSA for maize seed treatment due to its high risk for   for analysis (Shimadzu LabTotal 227-34001-01).
            honeybee health.
            In order to better understand the effect of these   Q Recovery
            compounds on bees and their contamination in pollen   An “all-flowers” honey from the local supermarket
            and honey, a highly sensitive assay method was     was extracted with or without spike at 50 ppt. A blank
            necessary. A method was set up using Nexera X2 with   extract (no honey) was prepared to evaluate losses or
            LCMS-8060.                                         non specific interactions. Results are presented in
                                                               Table 1.
            Q Sample Preparation                               Calculated recoveries are within acceptance values 70-
            Thiamethoxam-d3, imidacloprid-d4 and chlothianidin-d3   120 % from EU SANTE/11945/2015.
            were used as internal standards.
            Compound extraction was performed using a QuEChERS          Table 1  Measured Recoveries in Honey
            (Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged and Safe) method   Compound  Recovery   Compound    Recovery
            with an additional dispersive Solid Phase Extraction   Acetamiprid  78.8 %  Fipronil sulfone  74.2 %
            (dSPE) step.                                        Acetamiprid-N-desmethyl 93.4 %  Imidaclorpid  83.2 %
            5 g of honey (±1 %) were weighted in a 50 mL        Chlothianidin   70.6 %  Nitenpyram     87.0 %
            polypropylene tube. 5 μL of internal standard solution at   Dinotefuran  76.5 %  Thiacloprid  82.2 %
            5 μg/mL of each compound in acetonitrile was added on   Fipronil    78.1 %  Thiamethoxam   75.6 %
            honey and let dry for 10 minutes. 10 mL of ultra pure
            water were added and the samples were homogenized
            by vortex mixing for 1 minute. 10 mL of acetonitrile were
            then added followed by vortex mixing for 1 minute.

                   Acetamiprid   Acetamiprid-N-desmethyl  Chlothianidin     Dinotefuran         Fipronil
               Q 223.10 > 126.00  3.86e3  Q 209.05 > 126.05  3.31e3  Q 250.10 > 169.10  3.93e3  Q 203.00 > 114.10  1.78e3  Q 435.00 > 330.00  2.31e3
               100.00             100.00             100.00             73.21              100.00

                %                  %                  %                  %                  %

                0.00               0.00               0.00              0.00                0.00
                 2.10  2.15  2.20  2.25  2.30  2.35  2.40  2.45  2.10  2.15  2.20  2.25  2.30  2.35  2.40  2.45  2.00  2.05  2.10  2.15  2.20  2.25  2.30  2.35  1.50  1.55  1.60  1.65  1.70  1.75  1.80  1.85  3.00  3.05  3.10  3.15  3.20  3.25  3.30  3.35
                  Fipronil sulfone    Imidacloprid       Nitenpyram         Thiacloprid       Thiamethoxam
                Q 451.00 > 282.00  4.01e3  Q 256.10 > 175.10  6.43e3  Q 271.00 > 126.00  2.33e3  Q 253.10 > 126.00  6.00e3  Q 292.10 > 211.10  4.07e3
               100.00             100.00             100.00             100.00             100.00

                %                  %                  %                  %                  %

                0.00               0.00               0.00              0.00                0.00
                  3.05  3.10  3.15  3.20  3.25  3.30  3.35  3.40  2.00  2.05  2.10  2.15  2.20  2.25  2.30  1.55  1.60  1.65  1.70  1.75  1.80  1.85  1.90  2.25  2.30  2.35  2.40  2.45  2.50  2.55  1.80  1.85  1.90  1.95  2.00  2.05  2.10
                              Fig. 1  Chromatogram of the Target Compounds at Their Lower Limit of Quantification
   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81