Page 72 - Application Notebook - Solution for Food Safety
P. 72


            Application                  High Performance Liquid Chromatography

            News                         Analysis of Nitrous Acid and Ammonium

                                         Thiocyanate in Fertilizers

            After it is spread onto agricultural land, nitrogen   Q Linearity of Calibration Curves
            fertilizer converts to nitrate-nitrogen or nitrite-nitrogen   Fig. 2 shows calibration curves for nitrous acid and
            and leaches into subsoil and river water polluting the   ammonium thiocyanate analyzed under the conditions
            groundwater. Drinking water with a high nitrate-   shown in Table 1. The range used for calibration curves
            nitrogen or nitrite-nitrogen content is a potential public   was 1 to 20 mg/L. Good linearity was obtained for both
            health risk. It causes methemoglobinemia that inhibits   compounds with contribution rates (R ) of 0.9999 or
            the oxygen-carrying capacity of blood and has caused   higher.
            deaths in infants outside Japan.
            Fertilizers with high concentrations of nitrous acid and
            ammonium thiocyanate have a negative effect on plant   ᶗ) Nitrous acid      ᶘ) Ammonium thiocyanate
            growth, therefore maximum content levels (permitted      (1 - 20 mg/L)         (1 - 20 mg/L)
                                                                     R  = 0.99999
                                                                                           R  = 0.99992
            content levels) for toxic substances are prescribed in   Area (×1,000,000)  Area (×100,000)
            official specifications for commercial fertilizers
            according to the Fertilizer Control Law .           1.25                   5.0
            An example of simultaneous analysis of the nitrous acid
            and ammonium thiocyanate content of fertilizer by   1.00                   4.0
            HPLC is described. Analysis was performed in        0.75                   3.0
            conformance with the test method that appears in
            Testing Methods for Fertilizers (5.8.b and 5.9.a, 2016) ,   0.50           2.0
            published by the Food and Agricultural Materials
            Inspection Center (FAMIC).                          0.25                   1.0
            Q Analysis of a Standard Mixture                    0.00 0.0  5.0  10.0  15.0  20.0  0.0  0.0  5.0  10.0  15.0  20.0
            Analytical conditions are shown in Table 1. A                       Conc. (mg/L)          Conc. (mg/L)
            chromatogram of a standard mixture of nitrous acid       Fig. 2  Linearity of Calibration Curves
            and ammonium thiocyanate (20 mg/L each) is also              ᶗ) Nitrous acid (1 - 20 mg/L),
            shown in Fig. 1. Please refer to the test method  for        ᶘ) Ammonium thiocyanate (1 - 20 mg/L)
            details on mobile phase preparation. Standard solution
            was prepared by dissolution and dilution with water. An   Q Repeatability
            NH2 column was used for analysis.
                                                               The relative standard deviation (%RSD) of retention
                         Table 1  Analytical Conditions        times and peak areas obtained from an analysis of each
                                                               compound at 0.1 mg/L repeated six times is shown in
               System     :  Prominence                        Table 2 and 3. The concentration analyzed (0.1 mg/L)
               Column     : Shodex Asahipak NH2P-50 4E         was equivalent to 1/10 the lowest concentration on the
                           (250 mm L. × 4.6 mm I.D., 5 μm)
               Guard Column   : Shodex Asahipak NH2P-50G 4A    calibration curve of either compound. Good
                           (10 mm L. × 4.0 mm I.D., 5 μm)      repeatability was obtained for the retention times and
               Mobile Phase   : (Sodium) phosphate buffer containing sodium   peak areas of both compounds.
               Flowrate   : 1.0 mL/min                          Table 2  Repeatability of   Table 3  Repeatability of
               Column Temp.   : 40 ˚C                                 Retention Time and     Retention Time and
               Detection   : UV-VIS detector (SPD-20AV) at 210 nm     Peak Area for Nitrous  Peak Area for
               Injection Vol.   : 10 μL                               Acid Analysis          Ammonium
                                                                                             Thiocyanate Analysis
                                                                       R.T. (min)  Area       R.T. (min)  Area
                               1            ˙Peaks              1st       6.452  6,752 1st      16.868  2,551
                                            1. Nitrous acid
              150                           2. Ammonium         2nd       6.452  6,801 2nd      16.870  2,534
                                              thiocyanate       3rd       6.450  6,722 3rd      16.882  2,524
                                                                4th       6.452  6,794 4th      16.881  2,519
              100                                               5th       6.452  6,727 5th      16.885  2,546
                                                                6th       6.451  6,823 6th      16.868  2,553
                                                                Ave.      6.452  6,770 Ave.     16.876  2,538
               50                                               %RSD      0.012   0.62 %RSD      0.046   0.57

                 0         5        10       15        20
               Fig. 1  Chromatogram of Standard Mixture (20 mg/L each)
   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77