Page 71 - Application Notebook - Solution for Food Safety
P. 71

Application  No.C105

            n Analysis of Sulfamic Acid in Fertilizers
            We verified the applicability of the LC/MS method using            Sample  1.00 g
            a byproduct compound fertilizer as an actual sample.
            The permissible content level of sulfamic acid is set
            based on the total amount of the principal component                             Water 100 mL
            in each type of fertilizer. Here, taking the lower limit of
            quantitation of sulfamic acid in fertilizer as 1/5 the
            value of the minimum concentration permissible                    Shake (30 minutes)
            (sulfamic acid concentration 0.005 % per principal
            component 1 %), we conducted spike and recovery
            testing using a spike quantity equivalent to the lower
            limit of quantitation.                                             Dilution × 100
            Fig. 3 shows the sample pretreatment procedure. The
            extraction method conforms to the Testing Methods for
            Fertilizers (2013) supervised by FAMIC. After weighing
            out 1 g of byproduct compound fertilizer, extraction                   Filtrate
            was conducted using 100 mL of water, and after
            further diluting this 100 to 1 with water, the mixture
            was filtered to complete preparation of the fertilizer
            measurement solution.                                                  LCMS
            As the total quantity of the principal component
            represented 5 % of the fertilizer content, the
            concentration of sulfamic acid corresponding to the               Fig. 3  Preparation Flow
            lower limit of quantitation is calculated as 50 mg/kg of
            fertilizer. In the spike and recovery test, 0.5 mL of
            100 mg/L standard sample was added to the fertilizer,
            and after letting the mixture stand for 30 minutes, a
            measurement solution was prepared using the same     2375
            procedure. The concentration of sulfamic acid in the
            measurement solution is therefore 0.005 mg/L.        2350
            Representative chromatograms are shown in Fig. 4                           Standard sample 0.005 mg/L
            including chromatograms of the standard sample       2300                  Sample spiked with sulfamic acid
            (0.005 mg/L), the sample spiked with sulfamic acid, and   2275             Byproduct compound fertilizer
            the byproduct compound fertilizer measurement
            solution. Table 2 shows the analytical results. Sulfamic   2250
            acid was not detected in the byproduct compound      2225
            fertilizer, nor were there any noticeable peaks
            associated with contaminant components.              2200
            In the spike and recovery test, excellent results were   2175
            obtained in continuous analysis (n=5), with an average   2150
            recovery rate of  101  %.  The  LC/MS method
            investigated here in the analysis of highly contaminated   0.0    2.5      5.0      7.5     min
            byproduct compound fertilizer was demonstrated to
            permit quantitation by simply adding a dilution step   Fig. 4  SIM Chromatograms of STD and Fertilizer Sample
            following extraction, as opposed to the IC method
            which requires tedious processing to address the issue
            of high-contaminant content.
            Table 2  Repeatability of Peak Area and Retention Time in Spike   1) Notification Regarding Determination of the Official Standard for
                                                                 Ordinary Fertilizer Based on the Fertilizers Regulation Act, February
                  and Recovery Test
                                                                 22, 1986, the Japan's Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
                         R.t (min)   Peak Area   Recovery (%)    Notification No. 284, Final Revision
                                                                 December 5, 2013 the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
               1st        4.217      1564         103            Notification No. 2939 (2013)
               2nd        4.252      1561         102
               3rd        4.229      1508         99           2) Food and Agricultural Materials Inspection Center (FAMIC): Testing
               4th        4.224      1511         99             Methods for Fertilizers
               5th        4.219      1534         100            < >
                                                               3) Hiroi T., Shirai Y.: Simultaneous Determination of Sulfamic Acid and
               Ave        4.228      1535         101            Ammonium Thiocyanate in Ammonium Sulfate by Nonsuppressed
               %RSD       0.336      1.735
                                                                 Ion Chromatography, Research Report of Fertilizer, 5, 1 – 12 (2012)

                                                                                                      First Edition: Apr. 2015

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