Page 78 - Application Notebook - Solution for Food Safety
P. 78

Application  No.C140

            Q Real Samples Analysis
            Nine honey samples purchased at the local supermarket or used as raw materials in cosmetics (orange tree honey)
            were assayed as unknowns.
            All tested honeys showed concentrations far below the authorized maximum residue limit. But thanks to the very high
            sensitivity reached, even low concentrations of neonicotinoids were quantified. Results are presented in table 5.
            A representative chromatogram of a sample honey is shown in Fig. 3.

                                        Table 5  Honey Samples Results (concentrations in μg/kg)
                          Honey               Acetamiprid  Clothianidin  Imidacloprid  Thiacloprid  Thiamethoxam
             1. Provence creamy                  ---          ---         0.20          ---         0.010
             2. Italy creamy                     0.15         ---         0.17          ---          ---
             3. Pyrenees liquid                  0.38         ---          0.043        0.020        ---
             4. French-Spanish creamy            0.27         ---          0.047        0.020        ---
             5. Thyme liquid                     ---          ---          ---          ---          ---
             6. Lemon tree creamy               1.7           ---         0.15          0.033        ---
             7. Orange tree liquid              1.2           ---         0.62          ---          ---
             8. Flowers creamy                   0.14         ---          0.055       0.39          ---
             9. Flowers liquid                   0.34         ---         0.11          0.010        ---

                          Honey               Dinotefuran  Nitenpyram                 Fipronil   Fipronil sulfone
             1. Provence creamy                  ---        0.052        0.005          ---          ---
             2. Italy creamy                     ---        0.040          ---          ---          ---
             3. Pyrenees liquid                  ---          ---        0.015         0.004         ---
             4. French-Spanish creamy            ---        0.032          ---          ---          ---
             5. Thyme liquid                     ---          ---          ---          ---          ---
             6. Lemon tree creamy                ---          ---        0.020          ---          ---
             7. Orange tree liquid               ---        0.024         0.018         ---          ---
             8. Flowers creamy                   ---          ---         0.016         ---          ---
             9. Flowers liquid                   ---          ---         0.006         ---          ---

                 Acetamiprid    Acetamiprid-N-desmethyl  Chlothianidin      Dinotefuran          Fipronil
              Q 223.10 > 126.00  2.18e5  Q 209.05 > 126.05  6.09e3  Q 250.10 > 169.10  1.15e3  Q 203.00 > 114.10  2.25e3  Q 435.00 > 330.00  2.31e3
                                 6.0e3                                                      2.2e3
              2.0e5              5.5e3               3.5e3              5.0e3
              1.8e5              5.0e3                                  4.5e3
                                                     3.0e3                                  1.8e3
              1.6e5              4.5e3                                  4.0e3
              1.4e5              4.0e3               2.5e3              3.5e3
              1.2e5                                                     3.0e3
                                                     2.0e3                                  1.2e3
              1.0e5                                                     2.5e3               1.0e3
                                 2.5e3               1.5e3
              8.0e4                                                     2.0e3               8.0e2
              6.0e4                                  1.0e3              1.5e3               6.0e2
              4.0e4              1.0e3                                  1.0e3               4.0e2
              2.0e4              5.0e2                                  5.0e2               2.0e2
              0.0e0              0.0e0               0.0e0              0.0e0               0.0e0
                2.10 2.15 2.20 2.25 2.30 2.35 2.40 2.45  2.10 2.15 2.20 2.25 2.30 2.35 2.40 2.45  2.00 2.05 2.10 2.15 2.20 2.25 2.30  1.50 1.55 1.60 1.65 1.70 1.75 1.80  3.00 3.05 3.10 3.15 3.20 3.25 3.30 3.35
                Fipronil sulfone     Imidacloprid        Nitenpyram         Thiacloprid        Thiamethoxam
              Q 451.00 > 282.00  1.31e2  Q 256.10 > 175.10  1.62e4  Q 271.00 > 126.00  1.56e3  Q 253.10 > 126.00  2.18e4  Q 292.10 > 211.10  1.12e3
                                 1.6e4               7.0e3                                  1.1e3
              1.8e2                                                     2.0e4               1.0e3
                                 1.4e4               6.0e3
              1.6e2                                                     1.8e4               9.0e2
                                 1.2e4                                  1.6e4
              1.4e2                                  5.0e3                                  8.0e2
                                                                        1.4e4               7.0e2
              1.2e2              1.0e4
                                                     4.0e3              1.2e4
              1.0e2              8.0e3                                                      6.0e2
                                                                        1.0e4               5.0e2
                                 6.0e3                                  8.0e3               4.0e2
              6.0e1                                  2.0e3              6.0e3
                                 4.0e3                                                      3.0e2
                                                                        4.0e3               2.0e2
                                 2.0e3               1.0e3
              2.0e1                                                     2.0e3               1.0e2
              0.0e0              0.0e0               0.0e0              0.0e0               0.0e0
                3.05 3.10 3.15 3.20 3.25 3.30 3.35 3.40  2.00 2.05 2.10 2.15 2.20 2.25 2.30  1.55 1.60 1.65 1.70 1.75 1.80 1.85 1.90  2.25 2.30 2.35 2.40 2.45 2.50 2.55  1.80 1.85 1.90 1.95 2.00 2.05 2.10
                                          Fig. 3  Chromatogram of a Sample Honey (Pyrenees)
   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83