Page 55 - Application Notebook - Solution for Food Safety
P. 55

Application  No.L506

            n Analysis of Aflatoxin M1 in Milk
            We analyzed commercially available milk and milk with   The percentage recovery calculated according to Eqn.
            added AFM 1. AFM 1 was added to make up a          1 shown below was 98 %. We found that using the
            concentration of 0.05 µg/kg in milk (1/10th the    RF-20AXS fluorescence detector allows for analysis at
            regulatory level), and pretreatment was performed   concentrations 1/10th the regulatory level with high
            according to the notification methodology.  The    sensitivity and good precision.
            pretreatment procedure is shown in Fig. 3. Refer to the   A small peak was observed at the AFM1 elution
            notification methodology   for further details.    position when  milk with no added AFM 1 was
            An AflaStar  R* immunoaffinity column from Romer   analyzed. Using LC/MS/MS to analyze the milk with
            Labs was used to remove contaminant constituents.   no added AFM1 suggested this peak was derived
            The chromatograms obtained after analysis of these   from AFM1, and the concentration of the substance
            samples are shown in Fig. 4. (A) is the chromatogram   present was below 1/100th Japan's regulatory level.
            for milk with added AFM1, and (B) is the chromatogram
            for milk with no added AFM1.
            The analytical conditions were the same as those used
            in Fig. 1, which are shown in Table 1.
            * "AflaStar" is a registered trademark of Romer Labs.
              The AflaStar  R can be purchased from Shimadzu GLC Ltd.
              Sample (homogenized milk )
                                                                Recovery   (Peak area of milk with added standard AFM1) - (Peak area of milk with no added standard AFM1)
                                                                rate (%)   =   Peak area of standard AFM1 sample  ×100
                        (A atoxin M1 standard solution (100 µg/L) 10 µL)
                                                                         Eqn. 1  Percentage Recovery Equation
                  Heating up to 37 ˚C

                  Filtration with Glass  lter                      uV
                  20.0 g                                        5500
                                                                5000                    AFM1
                  Cleaning-up by immunoaf nity column “A aStar R”  3500
                  Elution by Acetonitrile (3 mL)                1500  (A)
                                                                 500  (B)
                  Drying-up   by N 2 gas
                                                                   0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 min
                        1.0 mL Water/Acetonitrile = 4/1(v/v)
                                                                Fig. 4  HPLC Chromatograms for Commercially Available Milk
                  Vortex                                             (A) With added standard AFM1, (B) with no added
                                                                     standard AFM1
                  HPLC  *4
                       Fig. 3  Milk Pretreatment Procedure
            *1 A pretreatment centrifugation step is needed for raw milk and   References
               other milks that are not homogenized. Refer to reference   for   1) "Handling of Aflatoxin M1 in Milk" (July 23, 2015, Notification
               details.                                          No. 0723-[1] of the Department of Food Safety, PFSB, MHLW)
            *2 Refer to the annotations in reference   for detailed information on   2) "Test Methodology for Aflatoxin M1 in Milk" (Notification
               use of the immunoaffinity column.                 No. 0723-[5] of the Department of Food Safety, PFSB, MHLW)
            *3 AFM1 can adhere to the container during drying, so it is
               recommended that silane-treated containers be washed with 20 %
               to 30 % aqueous acetonitrile then dried before use.
            *4 AFM1 can adhere to glass containers used to hold samples for HPLC
               even when these containers have been treated with silane, so it is
               recommended that plastic containers be used.
                                                                                                     First Edition: Jun. 2016
                                             For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedure.
                                             This publication may contain references to products that are not available in your country. Please contact us to check the availability of these
                                             products in your country.

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                                                                                                © Shimadzu Corporation, 2016
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