Page 42 - Application Notebook - Solution for Food Safety
P. 42


            Application                  Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry

            News                         Quantitative Analysis of Veterinary Drugs Using the

                                         Shimadzu LCMS-8050 Triple Quadrupole Mass
            No.C99                       Spectrometer

            Foods in which chemical residues, like pesticides, feed   highly sensitive and rapid analytical technique to
            additives, and veterinary drugs found in excess of   analyze as many of these compounds as possible in a
            maximum residue levels have been banned from sale in   single run. This Application News introduces an
            many countries around the world. Compounds that are   example of the high-sensitivity analysis of 89 veterinary
            subject to residue standards vary widely and the list is   drugs in a crude extract of livestock and fishery
            expected to grow. Because of this, there is a need for a   products.

            n Sample Preparation
            The typical samples used in the analysis of veterinary   (1) Homogenize 100 g sample (chicken, pork, salmon, shrimp) in food processor
            drugs contain large amounts of lipids because they are
            commonly meat and fish samples. Sample preparation       (2) Weigh out 10 g homogenized sample, transfer to 50 mL test tube
            is extremely important to ensure excellent sensitivity
            and repeatability. To avoid the typical time-consuming          (3) Add 5 mL water, shake gently by hand
            and laborious solid phase extraction sample preparation   (4) Add acetonitrile containing 1 % acetic acid and QuEChERS salts*, shake by hand (1 min)
            procedure, the QuEChERS method, which is typically
            used for the preparation of vegetables, was selected to           (5) Centrifuge separation (3 min)
            simplify sample preparation.
            The QuEChERS method normally consists of two steps,              (6) Collect acetonitrile layer and filter
            the first is an acetonitrile extraction and the second a             (7) LC/MS/MS analysis
            cleanup step, but this time only the acetonitrile
            extraction step was used.
                                                                         Fig. 1  Sample Preparation Procedure
            * QuEChERS Extraction Salts kit: Restek Q-sep  AOAC2007.01
            n Improved Peak Shape Using Sample / Water Co-Injection
            When conducting reversed phase chromatography, the                    Diaveridine
            peaks of polar compounds may split or collapse          7:261.15>123.10 (+)    7:261.15>123.10 (+)
            depending on the relationship between the sample
            solvent and mobile phase. In cases where the sample
            solvent is rich in organic solvent, the elution strength
            must be lowered (by substitution or dilution) with the
            addition of water. As the pretreated sample solvent in
            this analysis consists of 100 % acetonitrile, injection in
            that state into the LC/MS will result in split peaks for   2.0  2.5  3.0  3.5  2.0  2.5  3.0  3.5
            some of the substances (Fig. 2 left).                                  Difloxacin
            To eliminate as much of the time and effort typically                           26:400.10>356.20 (+)
            associated with sample preparation, the pretreatment    26:400.10>356.20 (+)
            features of the autosampler (SIL-30A) were utilized to
            conduct co-injection of sample and water, which
            resulted in improved peak shapes.

                                                                   2.5  3.0  3.5  4.0     2.5  3.0  3.5  4.0
                                                                       Sample 2 µL             S a m    2   e l p  µL
                            Sample                                                            + Water 10 µL
                                                                    Note: Sample solvent: 100 % Acetonitrile
                                                                          Fig. 2  Comparison of Peak Shape
              Draw Sample  Draw Air  Draw Water  Inject
   37   38   39   40   41   42   43   44   45   46   47