Page 36 - Application Notebook - Solution for Food Safety
P. 36

Software Helps with Screening Target Components

 Screening Using the MRM-Automatic Product Ion Scan Method  Screening Using Multi-MRM Method

 By using a method with three product ion scan events specified at different collision energies (CE) for MRM events, three   MS/MS spectra can be obtained by specifying multiple channels for MRM events and plotting the intensity of each channel
 MS/MS spectra can be obtained while simultaneously detecting compounds with high sensitivity. Consequently, by searching   as MS/MS spectrum peaks. By searching the library using the MS/MS spectrum obtained, samples can be screened with high
 the library using a merged spectrum of the three spectra, highly accurate identification results can be obtained.  accuracy.

 The Insight Library Screening software can display library search results for multiple analytes at the same time. It can display the MRM chromatogram,   The Insight Library Screening software can display library search results for multiple analytes at the same time. It can display the MRM chromatogram,
 MS/MS spectrum, library search results for compounds contained in the sample, and structural formulas of identified compounds.  multi-channel MRM-based MS/MS spectrum, library search results, structural formulas, and MRM-based quantitative calibration curves for
            compounds contained in the sample.

 Screening Results for Toxicological Substances Added to Whole Blood  Results from Screening for Veterinary Drugs Added to Foods (Salmon Extract)
 The sedative hypnotic drug bromovalerylurea was identified from the MRM chromatogram and library search results (similarity score 87).  Malachite green disinfectant identified from the MRM chromatogram and library search results (similarity score 99).

                                                             LabSolutions Insight Library Screening
 2                                                                                                 LC/MS/MS Screening Software  3
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