Page 33 - Application Notebook - Solution for Food Safety
P. 33

For LabSolutions Version 5.82 and Later
                    LC/MS/MS Method Package for Residual Pesticides Ver. 2

                    Co-Injection Improves the Peak Shapes for Polar Compounds

                                                                            ① No Co-Injection of Water  ② Co-Injection of Water
                                                                                                     2 µL sample with 40 µL water “sandwich”
                                                                                                     (0.5 µL sample, 10 µL water × 4)
                                                                             x10 6                  x10 6
                                    Air                                                           8.0
                             Co-Injection of Water via SIL-30AC Pretreatment Mode  3.0            7.0
                    Samples prepared by the QuEChERS method are typically extracted with 100%     5.0
                    acetonitrile. While this approach is effective for most pesticides, it results in   4.0
                    poor peak shape and response for highly polar pesticides. To enhance the peak   3.0
                                                                            1.0                   2.0
                    shape and detection of highly polar pesticides, the acetonitrile extract was
                    co-injected with a larger volume of water. This technique achieves band   0.5  1.0
                    compression and delivers a marked improvement in peak shape and response   0.0  0.0
                                                                             0.5  1.0  1.5  2.0  2.5  3.0  3.5  min  0.5  1.0  1.5  2.0  2.5  3.0  3.5  min
                    for early eluting compounds, particularly for highly polar pesticides.
                    A pretreatment program for co-injection is incorporated in the method for 646   MRM Chromatograms for Pesticides spiked into a Tomato Extract
                                                                                          (2 µL sample injection volume)
                    Note: Co-Injection mode is only supported by the SIL-30AC.
                    Maintains Stability with Different Matrices
                      ×10 6
                     5.0      Apple           Mint            Tomato         To assess the robustness of the system, three matrices (apple,
                                                                             mint and tomato) were spiked with 646 pesticides at 0.05
                             %RSD 3.7
                     4.0                                                     mg/kg and repeatedly injected (each matrix sample was
                                             %RSD 3.4         %RSD 3.4       analyzed with 100 repeat injections; the total batch run was
                    Peak Area Response  2.0  %RSD 3.9        %RSD 3.2        probenazole were selected as representative response
                       3.0                                                   300 injections). Thiofanox-sulfone, dipropetryn, and
                                                                             markers with retention times close to four, six, and seven
                            %RSD 5.4         %RSD 3.6                        minutes, respectively. Within a matrix, variance was less than
                     1.0                                      %RSD 5.9
                                             %RSD 5.8                        5.9%RSD for all compounds.
                       0       50     100      150     200     250     300   Although the absolute peak area changes with different food
                                            Injection Number
                                                                             matrices, the response between injection 1 and injection 100
                                 Thiofanox-sulfone  Dipropetryn  Probenazole
                                                                             for two pesticides (probenazole and dipropetryn) within a
                                Peak Area Response for Three Pesticides Spiked into Apple,
                               Mint and Tomato Matrix Extracts at 0.05 mg/kg over 72 hours.  single matrix has a variance less than 5.7%RSD.
                              Apple            Mint            Tomato        The new LC/MS/MS Method Package for Residual Pesticides
                                                                             Ver.2 extends the capability of the LCMS-8000 series in
                       Probenazole                                           pesticide analysis and creates new opportunities for
                                                                             expanded pesticide screening programs supported by a
                                                                             pre-packaged single LC/MS/MS method for 646 pesticides.
                         1st injection  100th injection  1st injection  100th injection  1st injection  100th injection

                        MRM Chromatograms for Probenazole (Top: Retention Time 5.995 mins) and Dipropetryn
                        (Bottom: Retention Time 6.999 mins)  for Injection 1 and injection 100 Spiked into Apple,
                     Mint and Tomato Matrix Extracts. The extracts were spiked at 0.05 mg/kg and analyzed over 72 hours.

                                                                                                          © Shimadzu Corporation, 2016
                                                                                          First Edition: April 2016, Printed in Japan 3655-04602-20AIT
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