Page 28 - Application Notebook - Solution for Food Safety
P. 28

Application   No. C154

            „  Spectrum based identification
            In this study, the  number  of qualifier fragment ion   In Fig. 6, demeton-S-methyl sulphone was to highlight
            transitions was increased for each pesticide and the   library matching in different matrices including cumin,
            combined transitions were used to create a MRM     potato, mucuna pruriens powder, tomato, black
            product ion spectrum. This product ion spectrum    pepper, peppermint tea  and turmeric. Even in the
            derived from MRM acquisitions was used in          presence of complex spice matrices the library
            conventional library matching routines  comparing   matching approach identified demeton-S-methyl
            against a reference spectrum to generate a similarity   sulphone with a high similarity score and a high degree
            score.                                             of confidence for data reporting.

                                     Compound Name Demeton-
                                     S-methyl sulphone
                                     Formula C6H15O3PS2
                                     CAS 919-86-8
                                     RT 2.94mins
                                     MRM spectrum
                                     Precursor-fragment ions
                                     11 MRM’s                                               Similarity Score 99
                                     1:263.00>109.10 CE: -30V             109               Matrix  Tomato
                                     2:263.00>169.10 CE: -22V                               Intensity 1.25e7
                                     3:263.00>125.05 CE: -25V
                                     4:263.00>121.15 CE: -16V                           169
                                     5:263.00>230.90 CE: -14V                125
                                     6:263.00>93.10 CE: -21V
                                     7:263.00>78.85 CE: -46V
                                     8:263.00>143.15 CE: -16V                                          231
                                     9:263.00>110.85 CE: -29V     79  93          143
                                     10:263.00>77.05 CE: -30V  65
                                     11:263.00>65.00 CE: -51V
                                                                 75.0  100.0  125.0  150.0  175.0  200.0  m/z
                          2.80  3.00
                         109               Similarity Score 100           109               Similarity Score 100
                                           Matrix  Cumin                                    Matrix  Black Pepper
                                           Intensity 2.5e6                                  Intensity 1.8e6
                                       169                                              169
                             125                                             125

                                                      231                                              231
                  79  93                                           79  93
                                 143                                              143
              65                                               65
                75.0  100.0  125.0  150.0  175.0  200.0  m/z     75.0  100.0  125.0  150.0  175.0  200.0  m/z

                         109                                              109
                                           Similarity Score 100                             Similarity Score 99
                                           Matrix  Potato                                   Matrix  Peppermint tea
                                       169 Intensity 7.5e6                              169  Intensity 6.4e6
                             125                                             125

                                                      231                                              231
                  79  93                                          79  93
                                 143                                              143
              65                                               65
                75.0  100.0  125.0  150.0  175.0  200.0  m/z     75.0  100.0  125.0  150.0  175.0  200.0  m/z

                         109               Similarity Score 100           109               Similarity Score 100
                                           Matrix  Mucuna Pruriens                          Matrix  Tumeric
                                           Powder                                           Intensity 1.8e6
                                       169 Intensity 7.5e6                              169
                             125                                             125

                                                      231                                              231
                  79  93                                          79  93
                                 143                                              143
              65                                               65
                75.0  100.0  125.0  150.0  175.0  200.0  m/z     75.0  100.0  125.0  150.0  175.0  200.0  m/z

                                  MRM spectrum identification in different matrices for demeton-S-methyl sulphone
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