Page 26 - Application Notebook - Solution for Food Safety
P. 26

Application   No. C154

            „  Method performance

                           Number of MRMs

                         0.0   1.0  2.0   3.0   4.0  5.0   6.0  7.0   8.0   9.0  10.0  11.0  12.0min

                   Histogram showing the number of MRM transitions monitored at each time point and chromatogram showing all 193 target
             compounds. The highest number of overlapping MRM’s acquired was 151. Even at such a high data sampling rate the response was in
               agreement with a conventional 2 MRM method with peak area variation less than 5.2% (n=5). This data is displayed below in more
                                                        detail, Fig. 3.

             Table 3  Between 8.80 mins and 9.30 mins151 MRM transitions
              in both positive and negative ion were monitored. Peak area
             repeatability for the 22 compounds eluting in this time period
                             is shown below.
                            Ret.                 Peak Area
                            Time   # MRMs   Polarity   %RSD (n=5)
             Dichlofluanid  8.80    6      ESI+     2.2
             Dichlofluanid 2   8.80   6    ESI+     3.4
             Dichlofluanid 1   8.80   5    ESI+     2.6
             Fluoxastrobin  8.82    12     ESI+     2.0
             Fenhexamid     8.83    11     ESI+     2.2
             Iprovalicarb   8.88    6      ESI+     2.3
             Spirotetramat  8.89    6      ESI+     2.6
             Azinphos-ethyl  8.90   5      ESI+     3.1
             Chromafenozide  8.91   5      ESI+     3.2
             Triticonazole  8.93    5      ESI+     2.1
             Cyazofamid     9.01    5      ESI+     2.1
             Prothioconazole   9.07  10    ESI+     1.9
             Diflubenzuron  9.09    4      ESI+     2.0
             Pyrifenox      9.11    8      ESI+     2.0
             Dodemorph      9.17    6      ESI+     2.1
             Fenoxycarb     9.17    6      ESI+     2.0             8.50   8.75    9.00   9.25   9.50    min
             Rotenone       9.17    6      ESI+     2.4
             Fipronil       9.20    10     ESI-     5.2             Between 8.80 mins and 9.30 mins151 MRM transitions in
             Bixafen        9.25    8      ESI-     2.8          both positive and negative ion were monitored. During this
             Tebufenozide   9.27    6      ESI+     3.9           time period 22 target pesticides eluted with a peak area
             Bensulide      9.27    6      ESI+     2.6         variation less than 5.2 % RSD. Data was acquired in an avocado
             Neburon        9.30    9      ESI+     1.7
                                                                     sample matrix at a concentration of 0.1 mg/kg.
                                   Total          Average
                                 MRM’s 151       2.6 %RSD
   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31