Page 21 - Application Notebook - Solution for Food Safety
P. 21

Application  No.C136

            Response to differing matrices                     Food extracts of apple, mint and tomato following
            One of the major challenges in the quantitative LC/MS/  QuEChERS extraction were spiked with 646 pesticides
            MS analysis for pesticides in food is that compound and   at 0.05 mg/kg and were repeatedly injected on the
            matrix-dependent response suppression or           LCMS-8060 (n=100 repeat injections for each matrix;
            enhancement may occur. Although matrix effects can   300 injections in the same batch sequence). Fig. 6
            affect the peak area response between different food   shows the response for 3 selected pesticides analyzed in
            types following a QuEChERS extraction protocol, the   a single batch sequence corresponding to a 72 hour
            peak area variance should be minimized within a single   analysis sequence. Within a matrix, variance was less
            matrix.                                            than 5.9 %RSD for all compounds.
                                                               Although the absolute peak area changes with different
                                                               food matrices, the response between injection 1 and
                                                               injection 100 for 2 pesticides (probenazole and
                                                               dipropetryn) within a single matrix has a variance less
                                                               than 5.7 %RSD.

             Peak Area Response
              Quantitation Ion
                    ×10 6
                  5.0          APPLE                      MINT                    TOMATO

                               %RSD 3.7
                                                         %RSD 3.4                %RSD 3.4  Dipropetryn


                              %RSD 3.9
                                                                                   %RSD 3.2 Probenazole
                  1.5                                   %RSD 3.6

                  1.0         %RSD 5.4                                             %RSD 5.9  Thiofanox-sulfone
                                                        %RSD 5.8
                     0           50           100          150          200          250           300
                                                      Injections number

                                          Thiofanox-sulfone  Dipropetryn  Probenazole

                     Fig. 6  Peak area response for three pesticides spiked into apple, mint and tomato matrix extracts at 0.05 mg/kg
                          over 72 hours. As in Fig. 5, compounds were selected to reflect peak area response throughout the
                          chromatographic run (Table 3).

                            APPLE                           MINT                         TOMATO

                    Injection 1    Injection 100   Injection 1    Injection 100   Injection 1    Injection 100

                        Fig. 7  MRM chromatograms for probenazole (RT 5.995 minutes) and dipropetryn (RT 6.999 minutes) for
                            injection 1 and injection 100 spiked into apple, mint and tomato matrix extracts. The extracts
                            were spiked at 0.05 mg/kg and analyzed over 72 hours.
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