Page 17 - Application Notebook - Solution for Food Safety
P. 17

Application  No.C136

                                            Table 1  LC and MS/MS Acquisition Parameters
                            Liquid chromatography                             Mass spectrometry
             UHPLC                Nexera LC system            LC/MS/MS            LCMS-8060
                                  Restek Raptor Biphenyl      Ionisation mode     Heated electrospray
             Analytical column
                                  (2.1 mm I.D. × 100 mm L., 2.7 μm)  Polarity switching time  5 msec
             Column temperature   35 ˚C                       Pause time          1 msec
             Flow rate            0.4 mL/min                  Total MRM transitions  1,919 (1,819 positive; 100 negative)
                                  2 mmol/L ammonium formate                       4 msec (target ion);
             Solvent A                                        MRM Dwell
                                  + 0.002 % formic acid - Water                   1 msec (reference ion)
                                  2 mmol/L ammonium formate   Interface temperature  350 ˚C
             Solvent B
                                  + 0.002 % formic acid - Methanol  Heating block  300 ˚C
                                  3 % (0 min) - 10 % (1.00 min) -   Desolvation line  150 ˚C
             Binary Gradient      55 % (3.00 min) - 100 % (10.50 -   Heating gas  10 L/min
                                  12.00 min) - 3 % (12.01 - 15.00 min)  Drying gas  10 L/min
             Injection volume     2 μL sample (plus 40 μL water)  Nebulizer gas   3 L/min

              2.00  ×10 6








                 0.0     1.0     2.0     3.0     4.0     5.0     6.0     7.0     8.0     9.0     10.0    min
                              Fig. 1  MRM chromatograms of 646 pesticides spiked into a mint extract at 0.01 mg/kg
                                   (Up to 3 MRMs per compound and 5 msec polarity switching time).

                                            Carbendazim                           Pyraclostrobin
                                            192.10 > 160.15 (+)                   388.00 > 163.10 (+)
                 ×10 6                      CE: -6.0                              CE: -14.0
              1.2                                           Tebuconazole
                                                            308.20 > 70.05 (+)      Chlorpyrifos
              1.1                                           CE: -22.0   Cyprodinil  350.00 > 197.95 (+)
                                                           Boscalid    226.10 > 93 > 00 (+)  CE: -21.0
              1.0                                          343.00 > 306.95 (+)  CE: -37.0
                                 Propamocarb               CE: -11.0
              0.9                189.20 > 102.15 (+)      Fenhexamid
                                 CE: -8.0                 302.10 > 70.05 (+)
              0.8                                         CE: -22.0
              0.7                      163.00 > 87.90 (+)
                                       CE: -10.0
              0.6                                                        Endosulfan
                                                      Thiacloprid        -sulfate
              0.5                                     252.80 > 126.05 (+)  420.80 > 97.00 (-)
                                                                         CE: 35.0
                                                      CE: -11.0
              0.4                              Imidacloprid
                                               256.10 > 174.95 (+)
                                               CE: -20.0
              0.3                                       Fludioxonil
                                                        247.00 > 180.15 (-)
              0.2                                       CE: 28.0
                0.0    1.0     2.0    3.0     4.0    5.0     6.0    7.0     8.0    9.0    10.0    11.0   min
             Fig. 2  MRM chromatograms for pesticides most commonly detected in plant products listed in the 2015 European Food Safety
                  Journal. In this report, residues exceeding the legal limits were related to 58 different pesticides. Compounds such as boscalid,
                  chlorpyriphos, cyprodinil, fenhexamid, fludioxonil, pyraclostrobin and tebuconazole (highlighted in the MRM chromatogram)
                  are some of the most frequently detected compounds present in more than 4 % of the samples analyzed.
                  The MRM chromatograms show the response to each pesticide spiked into a food matrix at the default MRL of 0.01 mg/kg.
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