Page 18 - Application Notebook - Solution for Food Safety
P. 18

Application  No.C136
            n Results and Discussion                           Expanded capability of the LCMS-8060
            Shimadzu Pesticide MRM Library                     The LCMS-8060 has a data acquisition speed of
            (Application News No. C135 )                       30,000 u/sec which creates new opportunities for
                                                               expanding compound lists.
            A flexible tool for expanding capabilities in      As one example, between 6.45 and 6.60 minutes 25
            pesticide monitoring programs                      pesticide compounds elute (Fig. 3). Even with high data
            The Pesticide MRM Library has been created using 766   density acquisitions the average variation in peak area
            certified reference materials and is designed to help   response was less than 3 %RSD (varying between 1.1 -
            accelerate method development and compound         5.9 %RSD).
            The library contains an average of 8 optimized MRM   3.00  ×10 6
            transitions for each compound (including positive and
            negative ion modes). In total, more than 6,000 MRM   2.75
            transitions are held within the 766 compound library.   2.50
            The library itself documents CAS#, formula, activity,   2.25
            mono-isotopic mass and adduct masses, rank of MRM
            transitions, synonyms, InChI, InChIKey, compound    2.00
            names translation (Japanese and Chinese) and links to   1.75
            websites offering further information (for example;   1.50
  , PAN pesticide database, Chemical Book,
            ChemSpider).                                        1.25
            The library also serves as a powerful data repository for   1.00
            reporting and checking pesticide data sources.      0.75
            Creating flexible pesticide monitoring methods      0.50
            Building a new LC/MS/MS method                      0.25
            To create new pesticide LC/MS/MS methods the user   0.00
            simply needs to select the target compounds from the   6.25  6.30  6.35 6.40  6.45 6.50  6.55 6.60  6.65  6.70 6.75  6.80
            library, identify the required number of MRMs for each
            compound and confirm the analytical column for the   Fig. 3  The LCMS-8060 can acquire MRM data at a high speeds
            analysis. (The new method can be used to expand         and enables precise quantitation even with high data
            current capabilities or to create focused methods with a   density. Between 6.45 and 6.60 minutes 25 compounds
                                                                    were monitored (Table 2).
            limited number of pesticides). The new method is
            simply imported into LabSolutions.
            As the LCMS-8060 has a high data acquisition speed of
            30,000 u/sec, high sensitivity and a polarity switching
            speed of 5 msec, the capabilities of the library can be
            expanded to meet the future needs of any laboratory.

             Table 2  Peak area variation (%RSD; n=6) for 25 pesticides eluting over a nine-second time window (6.45 - 6.60 minutes) spiked into a
                   mint matrix extract at the reporting limit of 0.01 mg/kg.
                                                                            MRM                Average    %RSD
               Compound Name   CAS number     Formula       M    Polarity              RT
                                                                       Quantitation Ion       Peak Area  (n=6)
             Trinexapac-ethyl  95266-40-3  C13H16O5      252.0998  +    252.90 >  69.05  6.45   1,780,015  3.1
             Iprovalicarb      140923-17-7 C18H28N2O3    320.2100  +    321.20 > 119.15  6.46   1,442,486  2.8
             Dodemorph         1593-77-7  C18H35NO       281.2719  +    282.30 > 116.15  6.47    658,920  4.2
             Fluopyram         658066-35-4 C16H11ClF6N2O  396.0464  +   397.00 > 145.00  6.47   2,439,146  1.9
             Flutolanil        66332-96-5  C17H16F3NO2   323.1133  +    324.10 > 242.00  6.48   3,372,285  2.7
             Trifloxysulfuron  145099-21-4 C14H14F3N5O6S  437.0617  +   438.00 > 182.15  6.48   1,822,340  2.5
             Azaconazole       60207-31-0  C12H11Cl2N3O2  299.0228  +   300.00 > 159.00  6.50   1,580,445  2.0
             Terbutryn         886-50-0  C10H19N5S       241.1361  +    242.10 > 157.95  6.50    755,446  3.4
             Prometryn         7287-19-6  C10H19N5S      241.1361  +    242.10 > 158.00  6.50   1,300,193  2.6
             Azimsulfuron      120162-55-2 C13H16N10O5S  424.1026  +    425.10 > 182.10  6.50   2,498,050  1.8
             Metominostrobin   133408-50-1 C16H16N2O3    284.1161  +    285.10 > 193.95  6.51   2,929,500  1.7
             Thifluzamide      130000-40-7 C13H6Br2F6N2O2S  525.8421  +  528.60 > 148.05  6.51   193,982  5.9
             Nicarbazin        330-95-0  C13H10N4O5      302.0651  -    301.10 > 137.15  6.52    973,101  2.6
             Bromobutide       74712-19-9  C15H22BrNO    311.0885  +    312.10 > 194.10  6.53   1,829,781  2.1
             Saflufenacil      372137-35-4 C17H17ClF4N4O5S  500.0544  +  501.00 > 198.00  6.53   465,224  2.3
             Cyproconazole     94361-06-5  C15H18ClN3O   291.1138  +    292.10 >  70.05  6.54   1,174,967  1.7
             Clomazone         81777-89-1  C12H14ClNO2   239.0713  +    239.90 > 125.00  6.54   3,409,656  1.7
             Fensulfothion     115-90-2  C11H17O4PS2     308.0306  +    309.00 > 281.00  6.54   4,267,514  1.4
             Oxasulfuron       144651-06-9 C17H18N4O6S   406.0947  +    407.10 > 150.15  6.54   2,911,533  1.1
             Rimsulfuron       122931-48-0 C14H17N5O7S2  431.0569  +    432.00 > 182.00  6.55   4,722,065  1.8
             Fenthion-oxon     6552-12-1  C10H15O4PS     262.0429  +    263.10 > 231.00  6.55   3,075,195  1.4
             Nitrothal-isopropyl  10552-74-6  C14H16NO6Na  317.0875  +  295.10 > 230.95  6.56   2,199,581  3.0
             Chlorantraniliprole  500008-45-7 C18H14BrCl2N5O2  480.9708  +  483.90 > 452.90  6.57  2,407,025  2.7
             Fipronil-sulfone  120068-36-2 C12H4Cl2F6N4O2S   451.9336  -  451.00 > 414.90  6.57  2,843,708  2.0
             Valifenalate      283159-90-0 C19H27ClN2O5  398.1608  +    399.20 > 155.00  6.59   3,845,335  1.9
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