Page 15 - Application Notebook - Solution for Food Safety
P. 15

Application  No.C135

                                                                                             Ionisation  MRM
                           Compound               CAS       Formula      M     [M+H]+  [M-H]-
                                                                                              Mode   Transitions
             751 Triflusulfuron-methyl        126535-15-7  C17H19F3N6O6S  492.1039  493.1112  491.0966  ESI+  8
             752 Triforine                    26644-46-2  C10H14Cl6N4O2  431.9248  432.9321  430.9175  ESI+  7
             753 Trinexapac-ethyl             95266-40-3  C13H16O5     252.0998  253.1071  251.0925  ESI+  6
             754 Triphenyl phosphate          115-86-6   C18H15O4P     326.0708  327.0781  325.0635  ESI+  6
             755 Tris (2-chloro-1-(chloromethyl)ethyl) phosphate  13674-87-8  C9H15Cl6O4P   427.8839  428.8912  426.8766  ESI+  26
             756 Triticonazole                131983-72-7  C17H20ClN3O  317.1295  318.1368  316.1222  ESI+  9
             757 Tritosulfuron                142469-14-5  C13H9F6N5O4S  445.0279  446.0352  444.0206  ESI+  4
             758 Valifenalate                 283159-90-0  C19H27ClN2O5  398.1608  399.1681  397.1535  ESI+  16
             759 Vamidothion                  2275-23-2  C8H18NO4PS2   287.0415  288.0488  286.0342  ESI+  6
             760 Vamidothion-sulfone          70898-34-9  C8H18NO6PS2  319.0313  320.0386  318.0240  ESI+  6
             761 Vamidothion-sulfoxide        20300-00-9  C8H18NO5PS2  303.0364  304.0437  302.0291  ESI+  6
             762 Vernolate                    1929-77-7  C10H21NOS     203.1344  204.1417  202.1271  ESI+  5
             763 Warfarin                     81-81-2   C19H16O4       308.1049  309.1122  307.0976  ESI+  6
             764 XMC (3, 5-xylyl methylcarbamate)  2655-14-3  C10H13NO2   179.0946  180.1019  178.0873  ESI+  12
             765 Ziram                        137-30-4  C6H12N2S4Zn    303.9175  304.9248  302.9102  ESI+  2
             766 Zoxamide                     156052-68-5  C14H16Cl3NO2  335.0247  336.0320  334.0174  ESI+  18

            n Further Information
            Application News No.C136 describes the analysis of
            646 pesticides in a single multi-residue method built
            using the Shimadzu Pesticide Library.

            n Scope and Legal Disclaimers
            Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the
            accuracy of the Library, the method will need to be
            verified in a laboratory as conditions may differ
            marginally. The influence of sample matrices, extraction
            protocols, LC behaviour and technical experience may
            affect the performance of the LC/MS/MS analysis.

            Shimadzu assumes no responsibility or contingent
            liability, including indirect or consequential damages,
            for any use to which the purchaser may put the
            referenced suppliers’ products, or for any adverse
            circumstances arising therefrom.

                                                                                                     First Edition: Jun. 2016
                                             For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedure.
                                             This publication may contain references to products that are not available in your country. Please contact us to check the availability of these
                                             products in your country.

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                                                                                                © Shimadzu Corporation, 2016
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