Page 31 - Application Notebook - Solution for Food Safety
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Application   No. C154

            „  Data Reporting
            Automated reference library matching and quantitation   LabSolutions  Insight  software helps to review by
            results can be simply viewed using LabSolutions Insight   exception and to reduce false positive reporting by
            software (Fig 11).                                 verifying compound identification using  library
                                                               matching  scores and retention time  variation from a
                                                               calibration standard.

                      LabSolutions Insight software helps to review quantitative and reference library matching results quickly and easily.
              Flexible filtering and sorting tools can be used to help reduce reporting false detects, especially in high throughput laboratories by
                            filtering results based upon a similarity score with a reference library product ion spectrum.

            „  Conclusions                                     References
            False positive results are a major issue for all pesticide residue   *1  European Commission SANTE/11945/2015. Guidance document
            monitoring laboratories. EU regulations require that retention   on analytical quality control and method validation procedures
                                                                  for pesticides residues analysis in food and feed.
            time and the ion ratio between 2 MRM    transitions are within a
            set threshold. However, even applying this criteria false positives   *2  Schürmann A., Dvorak V., Crüzer  C., Butcher P., Kaufmann A.,
            may occur for certain pesticide/commodity combinations.   False-positive  liquid  chromatography/tandem  mass
                                                                  spectrometric confirmation of sebuthylazine residues using the
            In this application paper, we have applied MRM Spectrum   identification points system according to  EU directive
            Mode to identify and quantify 193 target pesticides  in  a   2002/657/EC due to  a biogenic insecticide in tarragon. Rapid
            number of different sample matrices. The library score is used   Communications Mass Spectrometry, Volume 23, Issue 8, April
            as an additional  identification criterion  in order  to  improve   2009, Pages 1196-1200.

            identification confidence.                         *3  Kaufmann A., Butcher P., Maden K., Widmer M., Giles K., Uría D..
            Acquisition of the MRM Spectrum mode method  (1,291 MRM   Are liquid chromatography/electrospray tandem quadrupole
            transitions) did not compromise data quality when compared to a   fragmentation ratios unequivocal confirmation criteria? Rapid
            conventional 2 MRM per compound method (386 MRM transitions)   Communications,Mass Spectrometry, Volume 23, Issue 7, April
                                                                  2009, Pages 985-998.
            with consistent signal response and repeatability in both methods.
            The  MRM product ion spectrums were  demonstrated to be   *4  Pozo Ó., Sancho J., Ibáñez M.,  Hernández F., Niessen W.,
            consistent across the linear range and between different matrices.   Confirmation  of organic micropollutants detected in
            The  method acquired  data in both positive and  negative ion   environmental samples by liquid chromatography tandem mass
                                                                  spectrometry: Achievements and pitfalls, TrAC  Trends in
            modes with a polarity switching time of 5 msec enabling fast cycle   Analytical  Chemistry, Volume  25, Issue 10, November 2006,
            times and a high data collection rate.                Pages 1030-1042.
            All 1,291 MRM transitions were acquired throughout the MRM
            window. No ‘triggering’ of MRM transitions was necessary due
            to the short dwell times that were applied using the LCMS-8060.
            Therefore, MRM transitions can be swapped between qualifier
            and qualifier if needed and the peak shape of the additional
            MRM transitions can be assessed.
                                                                                                      First Edition: Mar. 2017
                                             For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedure.
                                             This publication may contain references to products that are not available in your country. Please contact us to check the availability of these
                                             products in your country.

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                                             The information contained herein is provided to you "as is" without warranty of any kind including without limitation warranties as to its
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