Page 17 - Application Notebook - Solution for Food Development
P. 17

Application  No.C133

                   ʢ×1,000 ʣ             ʢ×100ʣ                 ʢ  ×1,000ʣ            ʢ×100ʣ
                    5 ng/mL
                                           0.5 ng/mL             50 ng/mL               50 ng/mL
                0.5                                           1.0
                0.0                    0.0                    0.0                   0.0
                           6.5     7.0          7.0     7.5      7.0      7.5               7.5      8.0
                         "TQBSUBNF             "EWBOUBNF            (MZDZSSIJ[JD BDJE      3FCBVEJPTJEF .
                   ʢ×100ʣ                ʢ×100ʣ                 ʢ×1,000 ʣ             ʢ  ×1,000ʣ
                    1 ng/mL                1 ng/mL                10 ng/mL          2.0  0.5 ng/mL
                 2.5                   1.0

                 0.0                   0.0                    0.0
                    7.5      8.0          8.0     8.5           8.0     8.5            10.0    10.5
                         /FPUBNF              3FCBVEJPTJEF $          %VMDPTJEF "            *TPTUFWJPM
                                         Fig. 1-2  Chromatograms of 16 Sweeteners (continued)
                                                Table 2  Linearity of 16 Sweeteners
                                                                                 Calibration Curve   Correlation
                  Compound Name     Polarity     Transition    Holding Time (min)
                                                                                  Range (ng/mL)    Coefficient
                Sucralose             +         414.00>199.10      6.36           0.5  ‐  100        0.999
                Dulcin                +         181.20>108.10      6.70           0.05  ‐  10        0.999
                Alitame               +         332.20>129.00      6.92           0.5  ‐  100        0.999
                Rebaudioside A        +         984.50>325.10      8.21           0.5  ‐  100        0.999
                Stevioside            +         822.00>319.30      8.23           0.5  ‐  100        0.999
                Acesulfame potassium  -         161.90>82.00       5.23           0.1  ‐  10         0.999
                Saccharin             -         181.90>42.00       5.58           0.5  ‐  50         0.997
                Cyclamate             -         178.00>80.00       6.08           1   ‐  100         0.999
                Aspartame             -         293.40>261.10      6.53           5   ‐  100         0.999
                Advantame             -         457.30>200.30      7.12           0.5  ‐  100        0.999
                Glycyrrhizic acid     -         821.20>351.10      7.41          50   ‐ 1000         0.999
                Rebaudioside M        -        1289.60>802.90      7.66          50   ‐ 1000         0.999
                Neotame               -         377.30>200.00      7.90           1   ‐  100         0.999
                Rebaudioside C        -         949.50>787.20      8.46           1   ‐  100         0.999
                Dulcoside A           -         787.50>625.20      8.50          10   ‐ 1000         0.999
                Isosteviol            -         317.30>317.30     10.46           0.5  ‐ 1000        0.999
            Q Recovery from Real World Samples
                                                                                 2 g of sample
            Sweeteners were added to sample solutions prepared according to the
            procedure shown in Fig. 2, and recovery of these additives was verified   0.1 % formic acid/methanol = 1/1
            by measuring the samples after 100-fold or 1000-fold dilution. The
            results are shown in Table 3.                                        Homogenize
            Dialysis and solid phase extraction are common methods used in
            sample pretreatment for sweetener analysis, but these operations have   Make up to 100 mL
            the drawback of being complex, time-consuming, and laborious.
            Pretreatment by solvent extraction requires no special equipment, and   Centrifugal separation
            can be performed quickly and simply.                                (3,000 rpm, 10 min)
                                   Table 3  Recovery                                Filtration with 0.2 μm pore filter
                                Additive  Real World  Dilution  Recovery
                Compound Name
                              Concentration  Sample   Ratio    (%)             LC/MS/MS analysis
                                                                              (1 μL of supernatant)
             Glycyrrhizic acid  100 μg/mL  Soy sauce   100    85.20
             Acesulfame potassium       Powdered soft drink   81.21
                                10 μg/mL              1000                      Fig. 2  Pretreatment Workflow
             Aspartame                   (café au lait)      104.2
             Neotame            10 μg/mL   Ketchup     100   108.5
            This Application News was prepared with the cooperation of Japan Food Research Laboratories, who provided samples and guidance.
                                                                                                     First Edition: Aug. 2016

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                                                                                                © Shimadzu Corporation, 2016
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