Page 12 - Application Notebook - Solution for Food Development
P. 12


            Application                  High Performance Liquid Chromatography

            News                         Analysis of Low Molecular Weight Soluble Dietary

                                         Fiber by Prominence-i

            Research into the physiological effects of dietary fiber   step "*" in Fig. 1), samples would normally require
            has been ongoing since the results of epidemiological   ethanol precipitation and filtration steps. However, these
            research showing dietary fiber reduces incidence of   steps can be omitted when analyzing samples that
            diseases that include digestive system disorders,   clearly contain only low molecular weight soluble dietary
            circulatory system disorders, and diabetes. This research   fiber. The steps were omitted for both the beverages
            has revealed a variety of effects of dietary fiber,   analyzed, since they were presumed to contain only low
            including the reduced absorption of lipids like    molecular weight soluble dietary fiber. Samples were
            cholesterol from the intestines, and assistance with   then passed through an ion-exchange column before
            adsorption and excretion of harmful substances. This   being used as the HPLC sample solution. Please refer to
            functionality has garnered interest in recent years, with   the analytical method  for further information.
            chemically synthesized dietary fiber being added to an
            increasing number of processed foods. Some of
            nutritional labeling of foods show dietary fiber content,   Sample 10.0 g
            and such labeling is a regulatory obligation in some        0.1 mL Ћ-amylase
            countries.                                                  50 mL  0.08 mol/L phosphate buffer (pH 6.0)
            Many substances can be classified as dietary fiber, with
            definitions varying by country and policy. Dietary fiber   Boiling water bath for 30 min with shaking
            mainly refers to: cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin that
            make up cell walls; animal polysaccharides like chitin   Cool to room temperature
            and chitosan (insoluble dietary fiber), polysaccharides
            like pectin (high molecular weight soluble dietary fiber),   Adjust pH 7.5 ±0.1 with 0.275 mol/L NaOH
            and chemically synthesized polysaccharides like             0.1 mL protease
            polydextrose and indigestible dextrin (low molecular
            weight soluble dietary fiber).                         Water bath at 60 ˚C for 30 min with shaking
            Dietary fiber is normally measured using an enzymatic-
            gravimetric method (prosky method). This involves     Cool to room temperature
            subjecting a sample to an enzymatic reaction, filtering
            the sample, and measuring the weight of residue as the   Adjust pH 4.3 ±0.2 with 0.325 mol/L HCl
            amount of dietary fiber. A problem with this method is
            its low rate of recovery for low molecular weight           0.1 mL amyloglucosidase
            soluble dietary fiber, such as polydextrose and
            indigestible dextrin. Total dietary fiber is obtained by   Water bath at 60 ˚C for 30 min with shaking
            adding the quantitative result obtained by the
            enzymatic-gravimetric method to the quantitative result   Cool to room temperature (*)
            obtained by HPLC analysis of filtrate obtained from the
            enzymatic-gravimetric method. Japan's food labeling
            standards (Cabinet Office Ordinance No. 10, dated     Elute by ion exchange column (300 mm L. × 20 mm I.D.,
            March 20, 2015) specify dietary fiber to be measured   containing 25 g each, thoroughly mixed,
                                                                  of ion-exchange resins “AMBERLITEä IRA-67”
            by a prosky method or HPLC method.                    and “AMBERLITEä 200CT”)
            This application news describes an analysis of the
            amount of low molecular weight soluble dietary fiber
            by an enzymatic-HPLC method, based on the Food        Extract through the column with water
            Labeling Standards Š Appendix: Methods of analysis of
            nutritional composition .                             Collect 200 mL eluent
            The instrument used was a Prominence-i integrated     Evaporate
            HPLC system installed with an RID-20A differential
            refractive index detector.                                  Water
            Q Pretreatment of Low Molecular Weight Soluble
              Dietary Fiber in a Beverage                          HPLC
            Two types of cold beverages containing indigestible            Fig. 1  Pretreatment Procedure
            dextrin were prepared according to the analytical          TM
            method . The pretreatment procedure is shown in Fig. 1.   AMBERLITE  is a trademark of the Dow Chemical Company (Dow) or
                                                               an affiliated company of Dow.
            After treatment with three different enzymes (after the
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