Page 15 - Application Notebook - Solution for Food Development
P. 15

Application  No.C121

             100 Acesulfame potassium  175 Saccharin  Cyclamate       400 Sucralose         Aspartame
                0.05 ng/mL         1 ng/mL         700  1 ng/mL          0.5 ng/mL       400  0.5 ng/mL
                                125                                   300
                                                   500                                   300
                                100                400
              50                                                      200
                                 75                300                                   200
              25                                   200                100
                                 25                100                                   100
              0                  0                  0                  0
                   5.0     5.5           5.5     6.0        6.0     6.5   6.0     6.5             6.5     7.0
                         Dulcin          750 Neotame         2500  Rebaudioside A  2500 Stevioside
                     1000  0.05 ng/mL       0.05 ng/mL           5 ng/mL            5 ng/mL
                      750                500
                                                             1500               1500
                      500                                    1000               1000
                      250                                     500                500
                                          0                    0                  0
                            6.5    7.0      7.5     8.0             8.0    8.5         8.0    8.5
                                        Fig. 2  Chromatograms of Nine Sweeteners at Around LLOQ
                                               Table 2  Linearity of Nine Sweeteners

                  Compound Name        Polarity    Transition  Retention Time (min)  Calibration Curve Range (ng/mL)  Correlation
                 Acesulfame potassium   −        162.00 >  82.10   5.228         0.05  −  100        0.997
                     Saccharin          −        182.00 >  42.00   5.561           1  −  100         0.999
                     Cyclamate          −        178.00 >  80.00   6.057           1  −  100         0.998
                     Sucralose          +        413.90 > 199.00   6.370          0.5  −  500        0.999
                    Aspartame           −        293.10 > 261.10   6.543          0.5  −  1000       0.999
                      Dulcin            +        181.20 > 108.10   6.712         0.05  −  10         0.999
                     Neotame            +        379.10 > 172.20   7.898         0.05  −  1000       0.999
                   Rebaudioside A       −        965.30 > 803.40   8.220           5  −  1000        0.999
                     Stevioside         +        822.30 > 319.20   8.238           5  −  1000        0.999

            n Recovery from Actual Samples
            Seven sweeteners were added to foods (curry paste,   which the recovery was calculated based on a 1000-
            rice cake flavored  with  mugwort, and  sponge cake)   fold dilution of the solution after dialysis treatment,
            pretreated by dialysis (Fig. 3), and the matrix effect was   while the recovery of all other sweetener samples was
            evaluated. The recovery of each added sweetener is   calculated based on 100-fold dilution. The recovery was
            shown in Table 3. Dulcin was the only sweetener for   good with all samples, ranging from 85 to 125 %.

                           Table 3  Recovery of Seven Added Sweeteners
                                                     Recovery (%)                   20 g sample
                Compound Name   Concentration  Curry Paste  Flavored with   Chocolate   ˣ
                                                      Rice Cake
                                                       Mugwort  Sponge Cake
                                                                                  Dialysis (24 hours)
               Acesulfame potassium          100.8      94.2       93.7
                  Saccharin                   97.0      87.7       88.3
                                                                                Solution after dialysis
                  Cyclamate                   99.6      89.3       92.0
                  Sucralose      5 µg/mL      96.2      89.6       82.6                ˣ 100-fold or 1000-fold dilution
                  Aspartame                   94.0      89.4       87.2          LC/MS/MS analysis
                   Dulcin                    110.2      99.5       99.5
                   Neotame                   122.5      106.9     110.0           Fig. 3  Workflow of Pretreatment

            This Application News was prepared with the cooperation of Tokyo Food Sanitation Association, who provided samples and guidance.

                                                                                                      First Edition: Jan. 2016

                                               For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
                                               The content of this publication shall not be reproduced, altered or sold for any commercial purpose without the written approval of Shimadzu.
                                               The information contained herein is provided to you "as is" without warranty of any kind including without limitation warranties as to its
                                               accuracy or completeness. Shimadzu does not assume any responsibility or liability for any damage, whether direct or indirect, relating to the
                                               use of this publication. This publication is based upon the information available to Shimadzu on or before the date of publication, and subject
                                               to change without notice.                                                                        © Shimadzu Corporation, 2016
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