Page 16 - Application Notebook - Solution for Food Development
P. 16


            Application                  Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry

            News                         Simultaneous Analysis of 16 Sweeteners Using

                                         Triple Quadrupole LC/MS/MS [LCMS-8050]

            Artificial sweeteners such as aspartame, sucralose, and   Q Standard Mixture Analysis
            acesulfame potassium fall under the category of    MRM analysis was performed on 16 sweeteners
            designated additives according to Japan's Food     using the analytical conditions shown in Table 1.
            Sanitation Act, and prescribed standards are in place   Chromatograms of each compound near their lower
            for their use in some foods and quantities.        limit of quantitation are shown in Fig. 1, with
            Cyclamate and other artificial sweeteners used in   calibration curve ranges and correlation coefficients
            some regions outside Japan are included among      shown in Table 2. Results that met an accuracy of
            undesignated additives in Japan, and inspection is   100 % ±20 % and area repeatability (%RSD) of
            required in specific imported foods.                within 20 % were used for calibration point. Good
            Consequently, quantitation for large numbers of    linearity was obtained for all compounds, with
            sweeteners, including not only permitted in Japan but   correlation coefficients of 0.997 or higher.
            also undesignated, are needed.
            Application News C121 described the simultaneous
            analysis of nine artificial sweeteners including both
            designated and undesignated additives using an
            LCMS-8040 triple quadrupole LC/MS/MS system. In
            this article, we introduce an example of simultaneous
            analysis of 16 sweeteners using an LCMS-8050.

                                                  Table 1  Analytical Conditions
              Column       : Unison UK-C18                       Injection Volume   : 1 μL
                             (150 mm L. × 3.0 mm I.D., 3.0 μm)   Probe Voltage   :   4.0 kV (ESI-positive mode) /
              Mobile Phases   : A 5 mmol/L Ammonium formate - Water                -3.0 kV (ESI-negative mode)
                           : B 5 mmol/L Ammonium formate - Methanol  Nebulizing Gas Flow   : 3 L/min
              Gradient     : B.Conc. 0 % (0.0-2.0 min)           Heating Gas Flow   : 10 L/min
                            ˠ 70 % (4.5 min) ˠ 90 % (8.0-12.0 min)   Interface Temperature   : 300 °C
                            ˠ 0 % (12.01-15.0 min)               DL Temperature   : 150 °C
              Flowrate     : 0.4 mL/min                          Block Heater Temperature  : 250 °C
              Column Temperature : 40 °C                         Drying Gas Flow   : 10 L/min

                  ʢ×100ʣ                 ʢ×1,000ʣ               ʢ×1,000ʣ               ʢ×100ʣ
                   0.5 ng/mL              0.05 ng/mL              0.5 ng/mL              0.5 ng/mL
                2.5                   1.0                     1.0                    2.5

                0.0                                           0.0                    0.0
                    6.0      6.5              6.5      7.0        6.5     7.0               8.0      8.5
                        4VDSBMPTF               %VMDJO                 "MJUBNF              3FCBVEJPTJEF "
                  ʢ×100ʣ                 ʢ×100ʣ                 ʢ×100ʣ                 ʢ×100ʣ
                   0.5 ng/mL               0.1 ng/mL              0.5 ng/mL              1 ng/mL
                                      2.5                     1.0
                2.5                                                                  1.0

                0.0                   0.0                     0.0                    0.0
                      8.0      8.5           5.0      5.5              5.5      6.0           6.0      6.5
                        4UFWJPTJEF         "DFTVMGBNF QPUBTTJVN        4BDDIBSJO              $ZDMBNBUF

                                              Fig. 1-1  Chromatograms of 16 Sweeteners
   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21