Page 20 - Application Notebook - Solution for Food Development
P. 20


            Application                  Gas Chromatography

                                         Aroma Component Analysis of Japanese Sake by
                                         GC-FID Using a Diacetyl Derivatizing Reagent
            No. G296

            The food industry widely  employs evaluation using   „  Diacetyl in Japanese Sake
            analytical instruments for new product developments and   Diacetyl is a compound which has a characteristic aroma
            quality assurance. In the  brewing industry, aroma   and greatly affects the quality of fermented beverage and
            component analysis is highly important due to the strong   food products. Although the aroma of diacetyl is
            effects on product quality. Regarding aroma components   indispensible for dairy products which are made by lactic
            in brewed Japanese sake,  the conventional analysis   acid fermentation such as cultured butter and some
            method uses a gas chromatograph combined with  a   cheeses, it is considered undesirable for food and drinks
            headspace sampler. By combining this method with  a   which are made by  alcoholic fermentation such as
            high-sensitivity detector, detection of aroma components   alcoholic beverages. In particular, sake breweries consider
            in low concentrations is possible. However, such a system   the aroma to be one of the most undesirable odors and
            is expensive  and sample preparation calls for an   therefore conduct quantitative evaluation at production.
            experienced analyst.
            In this article, we introduce an example analysis of aroma
            components in Japanese sake with a simple GC system
            configuration using a simplified pretreatment method
            which employs a derivatizing reagent manufactured by
            Shinwa Chemical Industries.                        „  Derivatization Reaction of Diacetyl Using
                                          E. Kobayashi, T. Murata   Shinwa DS-DA

                                                               Diacetyl reacts with o-phenylenediamine and turns into
            „  Shinwa DS-DA (Diacetyl)                         2,3-dimethyl  quinoxaline  (DMQX).  Although  FID
               Diacetyl Derivatization Kit                     sensitivity for diacetyl is low because diacetyl has two
               Shinwa Chemical Industries                      carbonyl groups, DMQX obtained by derivatization has a
                                                               quinoxaline structure and therefore the FID sensitivity
            Shinwa DS-DA is a reagent kit for derivatizing diacetyl in
            non-alcoholic  beverages and alcoholic beverages for   rises.
            measurement by gas chromatography.

                                                                    Derivatization Reaction of Diacetyl Using Shinwa DS-DA

                                                               „  Procedure of Diacetyl Derivatization Using
                                                                  Shinwa DS-DA
                                                               Derivatization was performed using the Shinwa DS-DA

                                                               (Diacetyl) reagent kit on a sample (Japanese sake). The
                             Shinwa DS-DA (Diacetyl)
                                                               diacetyl contained in the sample reacts and turns into
                                                               DMQX. Methyl n-propyl quinoxaline (MPQX) was added as
                                                               an internal standard substance.

                                          Procedure of Diacetyl Derivatization Using Shinwa DS-DA
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