Page 23 - Application Notebook - Solution for Food Development
P. 23

Application     AD-0124Ph

          Table 2: GC analytical conditions using Carbowax 20M   Analyte      Conc., ppm  Analyte     Conc., ppm
          Packed column (6.6% Carbowax 20M 80/120 Carbopack
          B, 2.60 mm I.D. x 2 m L)                               1. Acetaldehyde  21      9. N-butyl acetate  12
                                                                 2. Acetone
                                                                                          10. Iso-butanol
                                                                 3. Ethyl acetate   15    11. Isoamyl acetate  17
           Injection Temp.  175 C                                4. Acetal      11        12. N-butanol  11
                                                                                          13a. Active amyl alcohol
                                                                 5. Methanol
                            80 C (0.5 min), 4 C/min ~150 C,      6.. Isopropanol          13. Isoamyl alcohol  11
           Column Temp.       o        o                         7. N-propyl acetate  11  14. 1-Pentanol  16
                            10 C/min ~190 C (3 min)              8. N-propanol  10        15. Furfural  14
           Injection Mode   Direct
           Carrier Gas      N 2
           Column Flow      14 mL/min
           Injection Volume  1.0 µL
           Detector         200 C, FID
                                   Analyte    Conc., ppm
                                   1.  Acetaldehyde  8
                                   2. Acetone    8
                                   3. Ethyl acetate   31
                                   4. Acetal     8
                                   5. Methanol   16
                                   6. Isopropanol  36
                                   7. N-propyl acetate  8
                                   8. N-propanol  31            Figure 2: Alcohol congeners on CP-Wax 57 CB column
                                   9. N-butyl acetate  16
                                   10. Iso-butanol  8
                                   11. Isoamyl acetate  18      Table 4: GC analytical conditions using Supelcowax 10
                                   12. N-butanol  75
                                   13a. Active amyl alcohol  -  capillary column
                                   13. Isoamyl alcohol  8
                                   14. 1-Pentanol  8            Injection Temp.     200 C
                                   15. Furfural  16
                                                                                    45 C (5 min), 5 C/min ~65 C,
                                                                Column Temp.         o        o
                                                                                    10 C/min ~200 C (0.5 min)
                                                                Injection Mode      Split, 1:5
                                                                Carrier Gas         He
                                                                Linear Velocity     31 cm/sec
          Figure 1: GC-FID result of 15 alcohol congeners on 6.6%   Injection Volume  1 µL
          Carbowax 20M 80/120 Carbopack B, 2.60 mm I.D. x 2 m L.  Detector          260 C, FID
                                                               Analyte   Conc, ppm
         Comparison of four capillary columns
                                                               1. Acetaldehyde              4
                                                               2. Acetone   4
         Supelcowax 10 and CP-Wax 57 CB columns are both made  3. Ethyl acetate               4
                                                               4. Acetal    -
         of 100% chemically bonded polyethylene glycol making  5. Methanol  4
         these columns highly polar. The compounds tested showed  6. Isopropanol
                                                               7. N-propyl acetate          5
         similar elution patterns for both columns (Figures 2 and 3)  8.N-propanol  4
                                                               9. N-butyl acetate            3
         under the optimized conditions (Tables 3 and 4). In   10. Isobutanol                  6
                                                               11. Isoamyl acetate         3
         particular, the peak of methanol exhibited a characteristic  12. N-butanol                   3
         broad shape. The smaller internal diameter of CP-Wax 57  13. Isoamyl alcohol         4
                                                               13a. Active amyl alcohol  -
         CB resulted in full baseline separation of acetal from ethyl  14. N-pentanol                  5
                                                               15. Furfural  5
         acetate and active amyl alcohol from isoamyl alcohol
         (Figure 2). While, the higher loading capacity of the wide
         bore Supelcowax 10 column enabled better separation of
         propyl acetate from ethanol (Figure 3).
                                                                 Figure 3: Alcohol congeners on Supelcowax 10 column
         Table 3: GC Analytical Conditions using CP-Wax 57CB
         capillary column                                      The SPB-20 capillary column, on the other hand, can be
                                                               classified as an intermediate polarity column. Figure 4
         Injection Temp.    200 C                              shows the separation profile of this column. Its stationary
                            50 C (10 min), 5 C/min ~140 C,     phase is made of bonded poly(20% diphenyl / 80%
         Column Temp.         o        o
                            10 C/min ~190 C (3 min)            dimethylsiloxane). The high phenyl content of the column
         Injection Mode     Split, 1:10                        produced a different elution order when compared to
         Carrier Gas        He                                 polyethylene glycol-based columns, which makes it
         Linear Velocity    25 cm/sec                          suitable for confirmation analysis. One drawback of this
         Injection Volume   1 µL                               column is the partially overlapping of two important
         Detector           210 C, FID                         congeners, acetaldehyde and methanol.
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