Page 28 - Application Notebook - Solution for Food Development
P. 28

Application  No.L471

            n Quantitation of Ethyl Gallate, Rutin, and Tyrosol
               in Red Wine
            The analytical conditions are shown in Table 1. We   membrane filter, and then injected. Fig. 2 shows the
            attempted to conduct separation by reversed-phase ×   calibration curve for ethyl gallate. Also, Table 2 shows
            reversed phase using a neutral phosphate buffer    the repeatability of the total and 2D retention times,
            solution in the 1st dimension, and an acidic phosphate   respectively, for the three analytes, the blob area
            buffer solution in the 2nd dimension.              repeatability values corresponding to the peak areas,
            The calibration curve for each substance was generated   the calibration curve coefficient of determination (R )
            using 6 concentrations in the range of 5 - 250 mg/L.   values, and the respective quantitation values.
            The red wine sample was filtered through a 0.22 µm

                                                  Table 1  Analytical Conditions
                      1D Column    : Shim-pack XR-ODS Ⅱ (100 mm L. × 1.5 mm I.D., 2.2 µm)
                      Mobile Phase   : A : 10 mM (sodium) phosphate buffer pH = 6.8
                                     B : acetonitrile
                      Flowrate       : 0.05 mL/min
                      Time Program   : B Conc. 5 % (0 min) → 30 % (70 min) → 90 % (80 min) → 90 % (90 min)
                                    → 5 % (90.1 min) → STOP (110 min)
                      Column Temp.  : 40 °C
                      Injection Vol.   : 3 µL
                      Loop Vol.    : 50 µL (Modulation time: 60 sec)

                      2D Column    : Kinetex XB-C18 (50 mm L. × 3 mm I.D., 2.6 µm)
                      Mobile Phase   : A : 10 mM (sodium) phosphate buffer pH = 2.6
                                     B : acetnitrile
                      Flowrate     : 2 mL/min
                      Time Program   : Auto-gradient: Initial. B Conc. 5 % (0 min) → 30 % (0.75 min) → 5 % (0.76 min)
                                    → STOP (1 min)
                                    Final. B Conc. 30 % (0 min) → 40 % (0.75 min) → 30 % (0.76 min) → STOP (1 min)
                                    The initial and final B Conc. were changed in a stepwise manner.
                      Detector     : SPD-M30A photodiode array detector (high sensitivity cell 1 µL, wavelength =
                                    270 nm, 278 nm, 354 nm)






                               0     25     50     75    100   125    150    175   200    225    250
                                                                                            Conc. (mg/L)

                                              Fig. 2  Calibration Curve for Ethyl Gallate

                        Table 2  Repeatability of Retention Time and Blob Area (%RSD, n = 5), R  Value and Concentration (mg/L)
               Compound     Total retention time  Retention time (2D)  Area       R squared     Concentration
                Tyrosol         0.007              0.159            2.7           0.999804         101.5
              Ethyl gallate     0.007              0.49             3.8           0.999864          15.1
                 Rutin          0.007              0.52             4.1           0.998805          14.2

                                                                                                      First Edition: Nov. 2014

                                               For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
                                               The content of this publication shall not be reproduced, altered or sold for any commercial purpose without the written approval of Shimadzu.
                                               The information contained herein is provided to you "as is" without warranty of any kind including without limitation warranties as to its
                                               accuracy or completeness. Shimadzu does not assume any responsibility or liability for any damage, whether direct or indirect, relating to the
                                               use of this publication. This publication is based upon the information available to Shimadzu on or before the date of publication, and subject
                                               to change without notice.                                                                        © Shimadzu Corporation, 2014
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