Page 27 - Application Notebook - Solution for Food Development
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            Application                  High Performance Liquid Chromatography

            News                         Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Analysis of Polyphenols

                                         in Red Wine Using Nexera-e Coupled with SPD-M30A

            Phenolic compounds are created as secondary        n Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Separation with SPD-
            metabolites in plants. In many cases, their structures   M30A at Appropriate Wavelengths for Respective
            contain multiple aromatic rings and a hydroxyl group.   Analytes
            These polyphenols are known to display antioxidant   By using the Nexera-e with a photodiode array detector
            effects, and are said to be effective in preventing   (PDA), a target component can be separated from a
            arteriosclerosis and cerebral infarction. Red wine is   complicated mixture of coexisting substances, and then
            known to contain large amounts of polyphenols,     quantitated, all in a single analysis. In the analysis,
            including flavonoids and phenolic acids, and in recent   assuming ethyl gallate, tyrosol and rutin as the target
            years has attracted considerable attention due to the   compounds, the ChromSquare dedicated software was
            health benefits associated with these substances.   applied to generate a contour plot using the respective
            Regarding the analysis of polyphenols in red wine,   optimal wavelengths, thereby permitting both
            separation and quantitation of these polyphenols by   separation and quantitation. Fig. 1 shows the contour
            simultaneous analysis using HPLC is difficult due to the   plots at the respective optimal wavelengths, along with
            presence of many coexisting substances. The Nexera-e   the 1D and 2D gradient profiles generated using the
            comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatograph   auto-gradient feature.
            can be very effective for such an analysis.

              2D Acidic pH
                  ʢminʣ                  UV 270 nm                ʢminʣ                 UV 278 nm
                  0.799         Ethyl gallate                     0.799   Tyrosol

                   0.599                                          0.599

                   0.399                                          0.399

                   0.200                                          0.200

                   0.000                                          0.000
                   0.000  13.478  26.956  40.434  53.192  min     0.000  13.478  26.956  40.434  53.192  min
                                      1D Neutral pH

                  ʢminʣ                   UV 354 nm                                             Max Intensity: 0 %
                  0.799              Rutin                                                        B.Conc.
                                                                                                  B.Con3 (2D)


                  0.200                                                                                 min

                  0.000  13.478  26.956  40.434  53.192  min

                           Fig. 1  Comparison of Comprehensive-2D Separation of Commercial Red Wine with Appropriate
                               Wavelength Obtained Using "Auto-Gradient" Profile Feature
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