Page 24 - Application Notebook - Solution for Food Development
P. 24

Application     AD-0124Ph

           Table 5: GC Analytical Conditions for SPB-20 capillary   Analyte                        Conc., ppm  Analyte  Conc., ppm
           column                                                1. Acetaldehyde  43     9. n-Butyl acetate   35
                                                                 2. Acetone     43       10. Isobutanol  32
                                                                 3. Ethyl acetate   27   11. Isoamyl acetate  29
           Injection Temp.  150 C                                4. Acetal      26       12. N-butanol  39
                                                                 5. Methanol    32       13. Isoamyl alcohol  28
                                                                 6. Isopropanol  29      13a. Active amyl alcohol    -
           Column Temp.   35 C (5 min), 5 C/min ~100 C (1.0 min)  7. N-propyl acetate  40  14. 1-Pentanol  -
                                                                 8. N-propanol  29       15. Furfural  42
           Injection Mode  Split, 1:10
           Carrier Gas    He
           Linear Velocity  30 cm/sec
           Injection Volume  1 µL
           Detector       250 C, FID
                       Analyte*   Conc., ppm
                       1. Acetaldehyde                    9
                       3. Ethyl acetate                     6
                       5. Methanol                           10
                       8. n-propanol                         7
                       10. iso-butanol                      23
                       12. n-butanol                         17
                       13. isoamyl alcohol               47
                       13a. active amyl alcohol       24  Acetaldehyde &
                                                                Figure 5: GC analysis of 15 alcohol congeners on Supel-Q
                                                                plot capillary column
                                                                Conclusions

                                                               This study shows that the separation of the 15 alcohol
            * Tested only for eight standards                  congeners which are the major components found in
                                                               alcoholic beverages can be achieved using capillary
           Figure 4: GC analysis of 15 alcohol congeners on SPB-20   columns. A capillary column is thus a possible alternative
           capillary column
                                                               to replace the conventional packed column for alcoholic
                                                               beverage analysis. However, the study also reveals that
           The Supel-Q plot capillary column contains a porous  none of a single packed (Carbowax 20M) or a capillary
           sorbent made from copolymer of ethylbenzene and     column can fully separate all the 15 alcohol congeners. As
           divinylbenzene. The ethanol matrix interfered with the peak  an option, the use of two different capillary columns may
           of isopropanol for all capillary columns, except this one.  provide a better solution, which can be accomplished on
           This was the only column tested that was able to resolve  the Shimadzu GC-2010, a GC system designed for dual-
           isopropanol from the ethanol matrix (see Figure 5).  column analyses of a same sample with two FID detectors
           However, while this column separates the most number of  simultaneously.
           peaks, significantly smaller and broader peaks with slight
           tailing was observed. This can be attributed to the column   References
           inherently high adsorption characteristic.
                                                               [1] AOAC Official Methods 972.10. Alcohols (Higher) and Ethyl
                                                                  Acetate in Distilled Liquors, 2000, 17 ed.
            Table 6: GC Analytical Conditions for Supel-Q Plot   [2] AOAC Official Methods 972.11. Methanol in Distilled Liquors,
            Capillary column                                      2000, 17 ed, AOAC International.
                                                               [3] Official Journal of the European Communities L333/36.
                                                                  Determination of Volatile Substances and Methanol of Spirit
            Injection Temp.  200 C                                Drinks.
                           50 C, 10 C/min ~150 C, 5 C/min ~210 C,   [4] Restek Technical Guide. Analyzing Alcoholic Beverages by
            Column Temp.    o        o
                           40 C/min ~250 C (5 min)                Gas Chromatography.
                                                               [5] Supelco Application Note 164. The Analysis of Alcoholic
            Injection Mode  Split, 1:10                           Beverages on a 30m x 0.25mm ID x 1.0um SPB-20 Capillary
            Carrier Gas    He                                     Column.
            Linear Velocity  30 cm/sec                         [6] Supelco Bulletin 790C. Improved Resolution of Alcoholic
                                                                  Beverage  Components  by  Packed  Column  GC.
            Injection Volume  1 µL
            Detector       270 C, FID                   
                                                                Disclaimer: The Shimadzu GC-2010 system and the data in this
                                                                Application News are intended for Research Use Only (RUO). Not for use
                                                                in diagnostic procedures.

      SHIMADZU Philippines Corporation
      11F Sunlife Centre, 5 Avenue corner Rizal Drive       Copyright © 2016 SHIMADZU (Asia Pacific) Pte. Ltd.
      Bonifacio Global City, Taguig City, Philippines 1634  All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form or by any                                   means without permission in writing from SHIMADZU (Asia Pacific) Pte. Ltd.
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