Page 32 - Application Notebook - Solution for Food Development
P. 32

Application  No.L491

            n Quantitation of β-Carotene in Red Chili Pepper   separation obtained with the Nexera-e.
              by LC/MS/MS                                      Fig. 3 shows the two-dimensional separation data of
            The analytical conditions are shown in Table 1, and the   β-carotene obtained from DUIS-positive mode MRM
            sample pretreatment conditions are shown in Fig.  2.     analysis of the calibration curve, and Fig. 4 shows the
            β-carotene, which is a precursor of vitamin A, was   linearity of the three values (blobs) in the range of 0.01
            detected in the two-dimensional separation of the   to 10  mg/L, which correspond to the peak volumes
            carotenoids. Quantitation was then conducted using   used for quantitation. The correlation coefficient (r) =
            the LCMS-8030 triple quadrupole mass spectrometer.   0.998976 indicates results with good linearity. The
            Both high sensitivity and high selectivity can be   quantitative  result  for  β-carotene  present  in  red  chili
            obtained using MRM analysis, and further, reduced ion   pepper was calculated as 1.22  mg/L based on the
            suppression can be expected with the two-dimensional   concentration in the final sample following extraction.

                                                  Table 1  Analytical Conditions
                    1D Colum   : Ascentis Cyano (250 mm L. × 1.0 mm I.D., 5 µm)
                    Mobile Phase   : A; Hexane
                                 B; Hexane/Butylacetate/Acetone = 80/15/5 (v/v/v)
                    Flowrate   : 0.02 mL/min
                    Time Program  : B Conc. 0 % (0.01 min) → 0 % (5 min) → 100 % (65 min) → 100 % (75 min) → 0 % (76 min)
                    Column Temp.  : 30 °C
                    Injection vol.   : 2 µL
                    Loop vol.   : 20 µL
                    2D Column   : Ascentis Express C18 (30 mm L. × 4.6 mm I.D., 2.7 µm)
                    Mobile Phase   : A; acetnitrile
                                 B; 2-propanol
                    Flowrate   : 4 mL/min (0.8 mL/min split for MS)
                    Time Program  : B Conc. 0 % (0.01 min) → 50 % (0.17 - 0.54 min) → 80 % (0.54 - 0.93 min) → 30 % (0.94 min) → STOP (1 min)
                    Detector   : SPD-M30A Photo diode array detector (standard cell, wave length = 450 nm)
                                 Shimadzu LCMS-8030 (DUIS positive mode, targeted β-carotene MRM transition: m/z 536.40 > 444.30)

                     )PNPHFOBUFE SFE DIJMMJ QFQQFS
                        Capsicum annuum L.      H

                 FUIZM BDFUBUF QFUSPMFVN FUIFS         W W W
                                                                                    Area = 551615
                      $PNCJOF FYUSBDUT BOE pMUSBUF                                 Concentration = 1.22 mg/L

                 &WBQPSBUF UP ESZOFTT VOEFS WBDVVN     …$

                                                                            Fig. 3  2D Plot of β-Carotene
                       %JTTPMWFE JO   N- NFUIBOPM
                      UFSU CVUZM NFUIZM FUIFS       W W

                     'JMUSBUF BOE JOKFDU   µ- JOUP )1-$

                          Fig. 2  Sample Preparation                                     Coefficient (r) = 0.998976

                                                                                               Conc. (mg/L)

                                                                    Fig. 4  Linearity of Calibration Curve for β-Carotene

                                                        Data provided by University of Messina Prof. Luigi Mondello and Chromaleont S.r.l.

                                                                                                      First Edition: May. 2015

                                               For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
                                               The content of this publication shall not be reproduced, altered or sold for any commercial purpose without the written approval of Shimadzu.
                                               The information contained herein is provided to you "as is" without warranty of any kind including without limitation warranties as to its
                                               accuracy or completeness. Shimadzu does not assume any responsibility or liability for any damage, whether direct or indirect, relating to the
                                               use of this publication. This publication is based upon the information available to Shimadzu on or before the date of publication, and subject
                                               to change without notice.                                                                        © Shimadzu Corporation, 2015
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