Page 33 - Application Notebook - Solution for Food Development
P. 33


            Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Liquid Chromatograph

            Catch the peaks behind the peaks

            The Nexera-e comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatograph (LC×LC)
            effectively separates samples with complex constituents, including pharmaceutical
            impurities, proteolytic enzyme digests, natural materials such as food extracts, and
            synthetic polymers.
            The dedicated LC×LC-Assist and ChromSquare software provide excellent usability and
            visibility, and allow the analyst to quickly analyze a large number of sample components.

             Achieving High-Resolution Analysis with LC×LC

            Comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2D-LC) is a completely new analytical technique combining two different separation modes
            orthogonally to provide a substantial improvement in separation performance. Combining multiple separation modes enables the separation of
            components that conventional one-dimensional liquid chromatography has difficulty separating, and allows the analysis of complex samples.
            Comprehensive 2D-LC also differs from conventional 2D-LC by acquiring data that show the results of both first- and second-dimension separations,
            which allows the analyst to maximize the effectiveness of both separating systems.
                                                          Time programming for the second-dimension separation is configured in detail
                                                          based on target component elution times and eluate solvent concentrations from
                                                          the first-dimension separation, which allows the discovery of components otherwise
                                                          hidden among target components.
                                                          LC×LC-Assist and ChromSquare are dedicated software for the Nexera-e. They offer
                                                          excellent operability and visibility, and provide powerful support for LC×LC analysis.

                                                               Blue: First-dimension time program
                                                               Red: Second-dimension time program

                    Example Analysis of Glycyrrhizic Acid in Kakkonto
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