Page 20 - Application Notebook - PFAS Analysis
P. 20

Application   No. C184

          Method Detection Limit                                to a final volume of 1 mL in 96:4 % methanol:water.
                                                                Nine such samples were pretreated over the course of
          A Method Detection Limit (MDL) study was conducted    three days. The results of the MDL study using the
          by spiking the 250 mL water samples to obtain a       LCMS-8045 and LCMS-8050 are tabulated (Table 6),
          spiked concentration of 5 ng/L (5 ppt) for each PFAS.  MDLs ranging from 0.7–3.3 ng/L and 0.7–1.6 ng/L,
          These samples were then pretreated and concentrated   respectively, were achieved.

                       Table 6. Results for Method Detection Limits (MDL) study using LCMS-8045 and LCMS-8050

                                              LCMS-8045                                  LCMS-8050

           Compound    Conc.    Calculated                                Calculated
                       (ng/L)    Conc.        %       % RSD      MDL        Conc.       %       %RSD       MDL
                               (ng/L), n = 9  Recovery           (ng/L)  (ng/L), n = 9  Recovery

             PFBS        5         4.2        83        12        1.5        5.1       102        8         1.2

            4:2FTS^      5         5.2       104        14        2.1        4.9        98        9         1.3

             PFHxA       5         4.1        81        10        1.2        4.7        94        7         1.0

            PFPeS^       5         4.1        81        13        1.5        4.8        96        9         1.4

             PFHpA       5         4.2        84        8         1.1        4.7        94        7         1.0

             PFHxS       5         4.3        85        6         0.7        4.8        96        8         1.2

            6:2 FTS^     5         4.6        92        17        2.3        4.8        96        7         1.1

             PFOA        5         4.6        92        12        1.6        4.7        94        7         1.0

            PFHpS^       5         4.0        80        9         1.0        4.7        95        11        1.6

             PFOS        5         4.0        81        15        1.7        4.6        92        6         0.8

             PFNA        5         4.0        80        7         0.8        4.8        97        5         0.7

            8:2 FTS^     5         5.0       100        22        3.3        5.3       106        11        1.7

             PFNS^       5         4.0        81        9         2.1        4.4        91        8         1.1

             PFDA        5         4.1        83        8         1.0        4.8        95        10        1.4

          N-MeFOSAA      5         3.9        78        15        1.7        4.6        91        9         1.2

           N-EtFOSAA     5         3.8        77        11        1.2        4.4        88        10        1.3

             PFDS^       5         4.1        82        18        2.2        4.6        92        10        1.4

             PFUnA       5         4.1        82        12        1.5        4.4        88        11        1.4

             PFDoA       5         4.0        79        14        1.6        4.3        86        9         1.2

             PFTriA      5         3.9        78        13        1.4        4.4        87        10        1.3

            PFTreA       5         4.0        79        15        1.8        4.3        86        11        1.3

         ^Additional PFAS compounds not listed in EPA Method 537.
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