Page 16 - Application Notebook - PFAS Analysis
P. 16

Application   No. C184

          PFAS (e.g. PFOA and PFOS), there are other classes        Experimental
          gaining  attention  due  to  their  increasing  use,
          occurrence and persistence in the environment. In this  PFAS and Preparation of Calibration Standards
          study, apart from the compounds listed in EPA Method  Table 1 lists the 27 PFAS compounds (21 target
          537, the scope of PFAS has been expanded to include   compounds,   3   internal  standards  (IS)  and  3
          seven additional compounds such as fluorotelomeric    surrogates) used in this study. All PFAS standards
          alcohols (precursor of PFOA).                         were purchased from Wellington Laboratories (Guelph,
          This application news describes and demonstrates the  Ontario). A series of 10 calibration standards at
          use and performance of Shimadzu UFMS™ for the         concentrations of 1.25, 2.50, 5.00, 10.0, 15.0, 20.0,
          analysis of 21 PFAS (including all 14 stated in EPA   25.0, 37.5, 50.0 and 100 ng/mL were prepared by
          Method 537) in drinking water. Shimadzu triple        dilution with 96:4% (vol/vol) methanol:water. These
          quadrupole mass spectrometers, LCMS-8045 and          concentrations were 250 times higher than the target
          LCMS-8050, were used in this study. Possessing an     concentration  range  in  consideration  of  analyte
          ultra-fast acquisition rate of 555 MRM/sec and a high  enrichment over the course of sample preparation,
          polarity switching speed (5 msec), these UFMS™        such that a 1.25 ng/mL calibration standard was
          instruments achieve rapid, reliable and highly-sensitive  equivalent to 5 ng/L of field sample.
          quantitation of PFAS in drinking water.
                             Table 1. List of PFAS (target compounds, internal standards and surrogates)

                                                                                                         PFAS Listed
                                                                    Molecular   Molecular   IS, Surrogates and its
          PFAS Compounds                      Abbreviation  CAS     Weight    Formula      Abbreviation    in EPA
                                                                                                         Method 537
                                                                                          M2PFHxA (Surr.)
          Perfluorohexanoic acid                PFHxA     307-24-4   314.06   C 6 F 11 O 2 H  ( C 2 C 4 F 11 O 2 H)  
          Perfluoroheptanoic acid               PFHpA     375-85-9   364.06   C 7 F 13 O 2 H   -            
                                                                                           M2PFOA (IS)
          Perfluorooctanoic acid                PFOA      335-67-1   414.07   C 8 F 15 O 2 H                
                                                                                          ( C 2 C 6 F 15 O 2 H)
          Perfluorononanoic acid                PFNA      375-95-1   464.08   C 9 F 17 O 2 H   -            
                                                                                          M2PFDA (Surr.)
          Perfluorodecanoic acid                PFDA      335-76-2   514.09   C 10 F 19 O 2 H               
                                                                                          ( C 2 C 8 F 19 O 2 H)
          Perfluoroundecanoic acid              PFUnA     2058-94-8  564.09   C 11 F 21 O 2 H  -            
          Perfluorododecanoic acid              PFDoA     307-55-1   614.10   C 12 F 23 O 2 H  -            
          Perfluorotridecanoic acid             PFTriA    72629-94-8  664.11  C 13 F 25 O 2 H  -            
          Perfluorotetradecanoic acid           PFTreA    376-06-7   714.12   C 14 F 27 O 2 H  -            
          Perfluorobutyl sulfonate              PFBS      375-73-5   300.10   C 4 F 9 SO 3 H   -            

          Perfluoropentane sulfonate            PFPeS     2706-91-4  350.11   C 5 F 11 SO 3 H  -          Additional
          Perfluorohexyl sulfonate              PFHxS     355-46-4   400.11   C 6 F 13 SO 3 H  -            
          Perfluorohexyl sulfonate              PFHpS     375-92-8   450.12   C 7 F 15 SO 3 H  -          Additional
                                                                                           M4PFOS (IS)
          Perfluoroheptane sulfonate            PFOS      1763-23-1  500.13   C 8 F 17 SO 3 H  13  12       
                                                                                         ( C 4 C 4 F 17 SO 3 Na)
          Perfluorooctyl sulfonate              PFNS      68259-12-1  550.14  C 9 F 19 SO 3 H  -          Additional
          Perfluorononane sulfonate             PFDS      335-77-3   600.14  C 10 F 21 SO 3 H  -          Additional

          1H, 1H, 2H, 2H-perfluorohexane sulfonic acid  4:2 FTS  757124-72-4  328.15  C 6 H 5 F 9 SO 3  -  Additional

          1H, 1H, 2H, 2H-perfluorooctane sulfonic acid  6:2 FTS  27619-97-2  428.17  C 8 H 5 F 13 SO 3  -  Additional
          1H, 1H, 2H, 2H-perfluorodecane sulfonic acid  8:2 FTS  39108-34-4  528.18  C 10 H 5 F 17 SO 3  -  Additional
                                                                                         d3-NMeFOSAA (IS)
          2-(N-Methylperfluorooctanesulfonamido) acetic acid  N-MeFOSAA  2355-31-9  571.21  C 11 H 6 F 17 NSO 4  2  
                                                                                         (C 11 H 3 H 3 F 17 NSO 4 )
                                                                                         d5-NEtFOSAA (Surr.)
          2-(N-Ethylperfluorooctanesulfonamido) acetic acid  N-EtFOSAA  2991-50-6  585.24  C 12 H 8 F 17 NSO 4  2  
                                                                                         (C 12 H 5 H 3 F 17 NSO 4 )
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