Page 21 - Application Notebook - PFAS Analysis
P. 21

Application   No. C184

          Accuracy and Precision                                of the seven replicates and the results of accuracy and
                                                                precision evaluation expressed as percentage recovery
          The initial demonstration of accuracy and precision   and relative standard deviation (RSD). The recoveries
          was carried out using seven replicate LCMS-grade      obtained using the LCMS-8045 and LCMS-8050 were
          water blanks fortified with each PFAS at 60 ng/L (ppt).  all within ± 20% of the true value, meeting the criteria
          Table 7 shows the average measured concentrations     listed by EPA.

              Table 7. Accuracy (% Recovery) and precision (% RSD) of target PFAS at 60 ng/L for LCMS-8045 and LCMS-8050
                                            LCMS-8045                                    LCMS-8050

                            Average Conc.   % Recovery       % RSD         Average Conc.   % Recovery     % RSD
                             (ng/L), n = 7                                 (ng/L), n = 7

               PFBS             52              87             13              54              90           6

              4:2FTS^           54              90             13              56              94           8

              PFHxA             52              87             12              52              87           9

              PFPeS^            54              90             14              54              90           9

              PFHpA             53              88             16              52              87           10

              PFHxS             54              89             13              54              90           8

              6:2 FTS^          55              92             15              55              92           9

               PFOA             52              86             14              53              88           11

              PFHpS^            54              90             13              53              89           9

               PFOS             53              89             17              51              85           12

               PFNA             51              86             16              64             107           21

              8:2 FTS^          51              86             19              56              93           9

              PFNS^             54              89             15              55              92           11

               PFDA             52              87             13              52              87           10

            N-MeFOSAA           53              88             15              53              88           9

             N-EtFOSAA          54              90             15              56              93           10

              PFDS^             52              86             17              53              89           9

              PFUnA             51              85             11              53              88           10

              PFDoA             51              86             14              51              85           9

              PFTriA            49              82             14              51              85           9

              PFTreA            49              82             14              49              81           8

         ^Additional PFAS compounds not listed in EPA Method 537.
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