Page 23 - Application Notebook - PFAS Analysis
P. 23

Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry
                                          Analysis of Per-and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances
                                          (PFAS) Specified in EPA M537.1 Using the Triple
                                          Quadrupole LCMS-8045

                                          Brahm Prakash, Gerard Byrne II, Ruth Marfil-Vega, Yuka Fujito, Christopher Gilles
                                          Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Inc., Columbia, MD 21046

           ■ Abstract
           The EPA recently updated Method 537 to 537.1 to       The EPA published EPA Method 537.1 in November of
           incorporate the replacement PFAS introduced into the   2018, incorporating the replacement PFAS recently
           market after PFOA and PFOS were phased out in the US   quantified in drinking water: GenX (or HFPO-DA), ADONA,
           market. This application note demonstrates that analysis for   11Cl-PF3OUdS, and 9Cl-PF3ONS. This method allows
           all analytes listed in EPA 537.1 can be performed on the   laboratories to assess occurrence of these new chemicals
           LCMS-8045, meeting the Quality Assurance and Quality   together with the 14 original targets in drinking water .
           Control criteria specified in the method. Recoveries were
           greater than 80% for all compounds, with surrogate    This application note summarizes the performance of the
           recoveries within 10% of the true value. Method Detection   Shimadzu LCMS-8045 for all analytes listed in EPA Method
           Limits (MDL) were below 2 ppt for all the target analytes.  537.1. Results demonstrate that the instrument’s
                                                                 performance exceeds the requirements outlined in the
           ■ Background                                          method. Most importantly, results confirm that laboratories
           Per- and Polyfluorinated Alkyl Substances (PFAS) are a   currently analyzing samples by method EPA 537 (published
           group of anthropogenic chemicals widely used in consumer   in Shimadzu App Note No. C184 ) can easily update their
           products (e.g. food packaging materials and non-stick   workflow to implement EPA method 537.1 in their
           coatings) and industrial applications (firefighting foams,   instrument while maintaining the instrument’s
           polymers/plastics manufacturing). Their unique properties,   performance.
           such as being highly stable and resistant to degradation ,
           together with their ubiquitous use, have resulted in the   Keywords: Per- and Polyfluorinated Alkyl Substances,
           accumulation of PFAS in the environment.              PFAS, Perfluorinated Compounds, PFCs, Drinking Water,
                                                                 PFOA, PFOS, Persistent Organic Pollutants, POPs, GenX,
           EPA Method 537 was originally published in November of   Triple Quad Reference original app note/news
           2009 and focused on 20 PFAS (14 targets, 3 surrogates, 3
           internal standards). Since then, a change in PFAS
           manufacturing practices led to PFOA and PFOS being
           phased out in the United States .
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